Wednesday, May 18, 2005


You will not hear a Democrat speak about the debate in the Senate without hearing the phrase, "power grab."

They're all saying it. The "power grab" chip has been implanted in nearly all Senate Dems. They are programmed to repeat it. They can't speak without forcing the words in somewhere.


May 18, 2005

Senate Democratic Leader Reid Discusses Nuclear Option, Republican Abuse of Power

Washington, DC - This morning, during a DNC conference call with thousands of activists, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid called upon Republican Senators to stop their partisan power grab. Reid spoke about the Republican Leadership's attempt to erase 200 years of Senate history and destroy our tradition of checks and balances to put their slate of radical judges on the federal bench.

"It's the most important issue I've dealt with in my many, many years of public service," said Senator Reid. "The Republicans are drunk with power. The President doesn't want 96 percent of his judicial nominees—he wants everyone one of them. He thinks the constitutional provisions regarding checks and balances, separate but equal branches of government, are meaningless, and he is going to move forward with this power grab."

DNC Chairman Howard Dean commented on the committee's second activist briefing. "I grateful to Senate Democratic Leader Reid for taking the time to talk directly to our supporters about the Republican assault on the Senate rules," he said. "Republicans want to abuse their power to put extremist judges on the federal bench. This power grab must be stopped."

This call was the second in a series of issue briefing conference calls with activists and grassroots supporters, organized by the Democratic National Committee.

To listen to the conference call click here.


Reid claims that Republicans are drunk with power and President Bush won't be satisfied until he can destroy all the checks and balances to complete his evil plan to take over the entire government in his POWER GRAB.

This afternoon Reid said that the only man in a black robe Americans should be afraid of is Darth Vader, not a judge.

I wonder how long he worked to come up with that one.

Reid is twisting and distorting and reconstructing reality because the reality is Americans have rejected the ideas of the Democrats. Acutally, it's more appropriate to say that Americans have rejected them for their LACK of ideas.

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