Friday, September 14, 2007

O.J. Simpson Stages "Sting" to Boost Book Sales

A loser like O.J. Simpson can't go on your run-of-the-mill publicity tour to boost sales of his new book.

What's a double murderer to do to get attention?

He pulls a stunt and sends the media into a frenzy.


LAS VEGAS -- Investigators questioned O.J. Simpson and named him a suspect Friday in a confrontation at a casino hotel room involving sports memorabilia. The former football star said he went to the room to retrieve property he said was stolen from him but denied breaking in.

Simpson told The Associated Press auction house owner Tom Riccio called him several weeks ago to say some collectors "have a lot of your stuff and they don't want anyone to know they are selling it."

Simpson, who was in Las Vegas for a friend's wedding, said he arranged to meet Riccio at the hotel and conducted a "sting operation."

"Everybody knows this is stolen stuff," Simpson said. "Not only wasn't there a break-in, but Riccio came to the lobby and escorted us up to the room. In any event, it's stolen stuff that's mine. Nobody was roughed up."

..."When they talked to him, Simpson made the comment that he believed the memorabilia was his," Montoya said. "We're getting conflicting stories from the two sides."

Simpson is considered a suspect in the case, Montoya said. He was released after he and several associates were questioned, and he remained in Las Vegas.

"We don't believe he's going anywhere," Montoya said.

This isn't big news AT ALL.

But O.J. Simpson is still big news.


Because the media and the public make him big news.

The live news conference is on RIGHT NOW.


There hasn't been this much excitement since Paris Hilton went to jail!

Will there be a white Bronco slow-speed chase this time?

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