Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Seething Bill Clinton

Is Bill Clinton really "first lady" material?

Can you imagine this guy in the role of spouse of the President of the United States?

Can you picture him gracefully waltzing through the White House with reporters as he takes them on a tour, showing off the Christmas (Oops! I meant to say "holiday.") decorations?

If Bill Clinton takes on that role, he will be the angriest "first spouse" since Hillary played the part.

In an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, Bill was seething when talking about the Republicans and's "General Betray Us" ad. I expected Bill to become green, rip through his clothes, and transform into the Incredible Hulk.

NewsBusters has the transcript.

BILL CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I think that there was something completely disingenuous about the feigned outrage of the Republicans in the White House and in the Congress about this. This was classic bait-and-switch.

ANDERSON COOPER: "Focused on that as opposed to focusing on what’s really happening?"


CLINTON: Oh yeah. That’s right. I don’t have to deal with Iraq. I don’t have to tell anybody what I’m going to do. Everything we do in Iraq is obviously right because they said this about Petraeus, as if it were the only issue in the wide world. Come on, these Republicans that are all upset about Petraeus - this is one newspaper ad. These are the people that ran a television ad in Georgia with Max Cleland, who lost half his body in Vietnam – in the same ad, with Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. That’s what the Republicans did. And the person that [sic] rode to the Senate on that ad was there voting to condemn the Democrats over the Petraeus ad. I mean, these are the people that funded the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth. And the President appointed one of the principal funders of the Swift Boat ads to be an ambassador. But they’re really upset about Petraeus. But it was ok to question John Kerry’s patriotism on the blatantly dishonest claims by people that [sic] didn’t what they were talking about. So, it was just bait-and-switch. It was just, ‘Oh, thank goodness! I can take this little word here, and ignore what we’ve done in Iraq, and what we’re going to do, and the outrageous way we gained political power by smearing John Kerry.'

The anger that fuels Bill, Hillary, and the Clinton machine is palpable. It's as ugly as ugly gets.

The thought of Hillary as president and Bill roaming around the White House again is the stuff of nightmares.

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