Sean, at The American Mind, found what some libs had to say about John Roberts' wife and children.
The exchange took place on a Daily Kos thread.
He notes, "When Kossites decide to go after judicial nominee's kids they should first figure out if they're old enough to have done something damaging to their parents. Jack Roberts looks a little young to care about his sexuality and to be an addict."
I flashed back to John Podesta on Meet the Press last Sunday. Speaking of Joe Wilson, he said, unlike the compassionate, pure of heart Dems, all that the Republicans do is smear. "[I]t's just more of the same: attack, attack, attack."
Here's some lib smear:
Did You Catch His Wife (1.42 / 7)
When Roberts thanked his family, he mentioned his son, Jack...Roberts' wife's face fell. It was like a poker tell. I think we should research Jack.
by mayan on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 13:13:01 PDT
interesting observation (none / 0)
wonder if anything will come of it...
by storme on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 13:19:01 PDT
[ Parent ]
He's probably gay (1.60 / 5)
Of course, this is how ridiculous rumors get started, but extreme conservatives seem to have a lot of homosexual children...
by Geotpf on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 13:19:08 PDT
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Worse - he's a lesbian n/t (3.00 / 3)
"Figs! In the name of The Prophet, figs!" E.A. Poe
by moltar on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 13:41:10 PDT
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A Trangendered One at that (none / 1)
And an alcoholic and drug addict...
That's how Karl starts the smearing process, isn't it???
I did not receive $ from Ketchum, U.S. Department of Ed or HHS to write this---though I wish I had.
by Volvo Liberal on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 13:50:14 PDT
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Gannon!! (none / 0)
"Quick, get me Gannon...Have I got a story for you, Guckert!"
by mayan on Tue Jul 19th, 2005 at 14:26:02 PDT
[ Parent ]
Attack, attack attack.
This garbage probably comes from the same people that considered making any negative remarks about Chelsea Clinton to be a mortal sin.
Going after the spouse and children is wrong.
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