If you had the task of choosing the cover story for Newsweek or Time this week, what would you have picked?
I wouldn't have made Rove the big story.
Of all the issues facing the world, the significance of Valerie Plame is miniscule. It's microscopic. Her husband, Joe Wilson, has been verified a liar. Moreover, Rove's involvement in the matter does not appear to be criminal. The investigation is ongoing. Where's the story? Why the never-ending coverage?
At this stage, it only rates the covers because the liberals calling the shots are using their publications as platforms to smear Rove, the White House, and persuade Americans to abandon their support for President Bush.
Instead of Rove, maybe I would have focused on the escalation of homicide bombers in Iraq and the mounting casualties from this terrorism. Perhaps I would have chosen a story about the terrorists' barbaric methods to keep the people of Iraq oppressed and their efforts to undo any hope for peace in the Middle East. With at least 170 people killed in homicide bombings in the past week alone, I would have highlighted the ruthlessness of these enemies of freedom and the necessity for us to actively pursue them.
If I determined the cover stories for these publications, their liberal bias would be countered with some conservative balance. The reality is that they are not balanced. They are mouthpieces for the Democratic party and Liberalism.
As a result, Karl Rove is the coverboy for both magazines. Given the relentless push by the MSM to destroy him and embarrass the White House, it would follow that the Rove hysteria would continue to be the story.
A quick glance at the Old Media leads one to conclude that nothing is more important than Karl Rove, as if civilization itself hangs in the balance.
This non-scandal scandal is more of an embarrassment to the Dems and their army of propagandists than it is to the White House.
While their Rove obsession rises to pathological levels, other stories and issues are tossed aside to make room for more Rove. There seems to be no such thing as too much Rove coverage.
This is not a story about our national security. It's not even about the credibiltiy of information coming out of the White House, like David Gregory kept insisting during his memorable meltdown last week.
This story is about payback. The Dems want revenge for the 2000 election, the 2004 election, and every other defeat that the Republicans have handed them.
As facts continue to come out, angry libs have had to readjust their outrage to fit the latest information. When it became clear that Rove most likely did nothing criminal, the threshold for wrong-doing was altered to take that into consideration.
Suddenly, concern about illegal behavior shifted to concern about the appearance of inappropriate behavior. The anti-Bush crowd now says that even if Rove did nothing illegal, he used poor judgment, the White House lied about involvement, blah, blah, blah.
Meanwhile, an intriguing question remains unanswered:
What is Judith Miller doing in jail?
Cooper is blabbing to anyone that's willing to listening; yet Miller remains tight-lipped to the point of being in contempt.
Since she would have had the very same waiver that Cooper had, it appears that Miller has a source other than Rove that she and The Times are protecting. It would appear that revealing her source would prove embarrassing to that individual. Why would that be?
Her source can't be a White House official or a Republican. If that were case, the New York Times and other media outlets would be splashing it. Without a doubt, it would have been leaked and the anti-Bush press would be all over it.
Instead of continuing with this Rove smear campaign, the press should be digging to find out what Miller is hiding. It must be big. It would probably deserve to be on the cover of Time.
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