Drudge reports:
FLASH: Al Gore now says he received occasional joke tutoring from Johnny Carson: 'He let me call him up and bounce jokes off him and he would give me advice on the presentation of gags' ... Developing...
Ed: A child of four can plainly see these envelopes are hermetically sealed. They've been kept since noon today in a mayonnaise jar on Funk & Wagnalls' porch. No one-but one!-knows the contents. In his mystical, and borderline way; Carnac will now ascertain the answers having never heard the questions.
Carnac: George W. Bush, John Kerry, and Al Gore.
Ed: George W. Bush, John Kerry, and Al Gore.
Carnac: May a diseased yak squat in your hot tub.
Carnac: Name a great president and two hopeless, humorless stiffs.
I have a feeling that Gore may be making this whole thing up.
Remember when Gore had some "memory problems" during the Presidential debate on October 3, 2000?
When commenting on FEMA's work in Texas during fires and floods in Parker County, Gore said, "I accompanied James Lee Witt down to Texas when those fires broke out."
Carl Cameron, of Fox News first reported that Gore had not, in fact, been to Texas with Witt to look at the damage in Parker County. Gore WAS in Texas, but FEMA officials said Witt never went to Texas to deal with the 1998 fires.
If this tutoring really happened, why didn't Gore mention this at the time of Johnny's death? If he did, I missed it.
Let's give Gore the benefit of the doubt and say it is true. I think it would be wise for him to keep quiet about receiving comedy tips from the great Johnny Carson.
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