Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer and former Amb. Joe Wilson on Thursday blasted opponents for drumming up a "smear campaign" against Wilson and his wife, Valerie Plame, a CIA officer whose identity was leaked to reporters.
..."I've said this repeatedly, that the smear campaign launched from the West Wing of the White House is just ethically unsupportable," said Wilson.
"This is an enormous distraction from that principled debate — a debate on war and peace," Wilson said, adding that any leak made to achieve a political end is "simply unacceptable."
"I am committed to seeing that justice is done," he added.
Schumer, of New York, blasted the Republican National Committee and other GOPers for what he said were attempts to paint Wilson as a partisan.
"Karl Rove and the RNC accusing Joe Wilson of playing politics is like Homer Simpson telling Lance Armstrong he's out of shape," Schumer said. "This man has served his country and his wife, as well ... it is they who had politics played on them, not the other way around. No comment is no solution. Mr. President, I urge you to take a stand and do the right thing."
Chuckie and Joey are like two-year-olds having tantrums. There is nothing reasonable about what they are doing. They're demanding attention like spoiled brats, and the MSM are giving it to them. The twosome are utterly irrational in their remarks.
I wish they'd hold their breath, like stubborn toddlers. At least then, they'd have to quit talking.
Since when does the press lend credence to individuals that have completely tossed out the facts in order to further their own political agenda?
I guess the MSM do that on a regular basis when they prop up the Dem party line drivel at every opportunity; but they shouldn't.
Chuckie and Joey have as little credibility left as CBS.
Wilson and Plame, Valerie Plame, have not been smeared. Wilson's own words prove that. He lied, repeatedly. That's been documented, repeatedly.
Wilson is a Dem hack. That's been established. This latest dance with Schumer is just another example of his blatant partisanship and anti-Bush stance.

Can't Dems like Schumer muster up the tiny bit of integrity it would take to stop the unjust slamming of Rove?
Don't any of them read the Wall Street Journal or USA Today?
They should follow President Bush's lead. Let the investigation play out and shut up in the meantime.
In the final analysis, Chuckie and Joey are out of touch with reality, just like the White House press corps. They live in a parallel universe, where the most pressing issue is not a pressing issue at all.
It has only been a week since the London bombings. The Chinese are threatening us with nukes. Terrorists targeted children in Iraq, slaughtering them while our troops were giving them candy.
And with all this, what gets their attention?
Karl Rove. They want us all to focus on Karl Rove and only Karl Rove.
Yes, Chuckie and Joey's crusade amounts to a shameless smear campaign.
Case closed.
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