Dr. Dean continues to invite pro-life voters to embrace the Democratic Party.
July 26, 2005
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Pro-life Democratic lawmakers in Congress met with Democratic National Committee Chair Howard Dean last week to get the party leader to establish an official relationship with Democrats for Life of America, the national organization for Democrats who oppose abortion. Previous attempts to get the party acknowledge the group before Dean's election as chairman were not successful.
Sen. Ben Nelson (Nebraska) and Reps. Jim Oberstar (Minnesota.), Tim Ryan (Ohio), Marcy Kaptur (Ohio) and Bart Stupak (Michigan) were among the 16 members of Congress who participated in the meeting. They said they have the backing of the top Democrats in Congress, Sen Harry Reid and Rep. Nancy Pelosi.
The members hope to make the Democratic Party more inclusive and less identified by its pro-abortion position, resulting from strong lobbying by leading abortion advocacy groups.
The lawmakers say the Democratic Party is being viewed by voters as out of touch with American values because of its overwhelmingly pro-abortion position. The party's last two presidential candidates, Al Gore and John Kerry, both took positions in favor of abortion and polls by the Gallup organization show the abortion issue gave President Bush an advantage in each election.
Democrats for Life officials also participated in the meeting Thursday and executive director Kristen Day told LifeNews.com that "Dean has continued to send a strong message that our party should no longer be the Party of abortion on demand."
"We appreciate that he has stood by those words and is willing to work toward more inclusion for pro-life democrats in the party," Day added.
Signaling his interest in making the Democratic Party one with a big tent, Dean told a group of college Democrats the day after the meeting that "we need to welcome pro-life Democrats into this party."
That's nice that Dr. Dean was willing to meet with Democrats for Life; but that isn't going to alter the fact that the Democratic Party is pro-abortion.
Dean keeps yapping about the "big tent" and being more inclusive.
He's been repeating those terms for months now. So what? The words are empty.
The single issue that I identify most strongly with the Democrats is abortion. In a nutshell, the Dems are pro-abortion and anti-Bush. That completely sums up what they stand for.
The very fact that Dr. Dean has to go out on a national tour urging the base to welcome pro-lifers proves just how strong the party's association with abortion is.
Right now, the Dems and various Leftist groups are bent out of shape over the battle for the Supreme Court. Their protests and petitions and scare tactics are all about Roe v. Wade. It's tough for Dr. Dean to sell the Democratic Party as a home for pro-life voters when nearly everything they do is tied up in the right to choose (to kill babies).
John Roberts is being bashed for being a "devout" Catholic. That distinction, between devout and the lapsed variety, sends up red flags to the Dems. Even Catholic senators, such as Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Patrick Leahy and Dick Durbin, are attacking Roberts for his religion.
What's so dangerous about Catholicism? The Catholic Church considers abortion to be a sin. Since Roberts is Catholic, they see him as a potential threat to legalized abortion. They even see his wife as a threat because she has connections to Feminists for Life.
Senators Dick Durbin, Patrick Leahy, and Chuck Schumer have all been very vocal about the questions that Roberts' faith raises, that it might be an indication that he wouldn't be Roe v. Wade friendly.
How can Dr. Dean make a case that the Democrats are putting out the welcome mat for pro-life voters when they have declared "war" against Bush's Supreme Court nominee based on his abortion views?
Hillary "I'm a moderate" Clinton has a 100 rating by NARAL, meaning she couldn't vote in a more pro-abortion fashion if she tried.
Granted, there are some pro-life Democrats; but the Democrats are not pro-life.
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