Thursday, July 21, 2005


What are the Dems in Washington doing?

Are they taking measures to be tough on defense? No.

Are they offering any concrete plans to deal with issues? No.

Are they doing anything other than obstruct and smear? No.


ROLL CALL reports: "In a set of talking points issued Wednesday morning, the Senate Democratic leadership urged rank-and-file Senators to continue spotlighting Rove's involvement in the leaking of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity. 'A Supreme Court nominee will not distract the country from the growing credibility problem at the White House,' Democrats were told to echo."

That explains why Sen. Barbara Boxer and Rep. Jane Harman went before cameras yesterday to shriek about Karl Rove. Although President Bush had just announced his nominee to the Supreme Court the night before, Dems still wanted to keep Rove front and center.

I suppose that's understandable. They've put so much energy into their attempts to create a scandal out of nothing that it would be difficult for them to just let it go.

With the nomination announcement of John Roberts and more terror in London, the poor, poor Dems can't catch a break.

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