In these TV grabs, released on July 18, a man, suspected of throwing a grenade in Tbilisi, during President Bush's speech is seen.
TBILISI, Georgia (AP) -- A man who confessed to throwing a live grenade toward President Bush during a rally in Georgia intended its shrapnel to hit the area where the president and others were standing, the suspect said video footage broadcast Saturday.
"I threw the grenade, not directly at where there was bulletproof glass, but toward the heads ... so that the shrapnel would fly behind the bulletproof glass, you understand?" Vladimir Arutyunian said.
Bush and Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili were on a podium protected with bulletproof glass at a massive rally in Tbilisi in May when the grenade was thrown and landed about 100 feet away. It did not explode and investigators later said its activation device apparently had malfunctioned.
...Arutyunian, 27, has been charged with murder in the policeman's death, but no charges have been filed in connection with the May grenade incident, to which he previously confessed.
Investigators were still searching for a motive in the case.
This incident really hasn't gotten much attention.
That's a big story. Had the activation device not malfunctioned, and had it landed closer to its intended target, maybe President Cheney would be in the Oval Office now.
This incident shows that if someone wants to hurt the President, it's possible. That's a frightening thought.
Thankfully, Arutyunian had bad aim and a defective grenade.
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