Whenever Maher is a guest on the show, he's so offensive that even the studio audience seems uncomfortable.
His "anal rape" rant was one memorable appearance when the audience squirmed.
He managed to get the same reaction on Tuesday.
While some of Leno's audience members appreciate Maher's "talents" and laugh and applaud his drivel, some don't.
The crowd he faces when he's Leno's guest is not nearly as supportive as his Real Time audiences.
Right out of the gate, Maher attacked President Bush. No surprise there.
Do you think that this is entertaining?
Talking about the President, Maher said:
I think the science is in on this question. I mean, I think he is.. the people who were defending him were saying, "Well, he's just inarticulate." But inarticulate doesn't explain foreign policy. I mean, it's not that complicated.
The man is a rube. He is a dolt. He is a yokel on the world stage. He is a Gilligan who cannot find his ass with two hands. He is a vain half-wit who interrupts one incoherent sentence with another incoherent sentence. And I hope I'm not piling on.
Good grief.
Over the top is putting it mildly.
Maher then went on to stand up for his beloved Dixie Chicks.
He mocked what he called the Red State people that turned their backs on them. Maher declared that the Dixie Chicks had the good sense to abandon country and make some decent music.
He proceeded to bash country music, ALL country music. He belittled it, saying that he wasn't into Hee Haw. Maher went on and on.
I don't know what Maher was thinking. Ten or fifteen minutes later, country singer Rodney Atkins performed.
How awkward!
Maher had to know the other guests scheduled to be on the show that night. He had to know that as he sat next to Leno and mercilessly slammed country music that a country artist was getting ready to take the stage.
At the end of Atkins' performance, Leno went over to shake his hand before saying goodnight and ending the show. Like usual, the other guests tagged along. Bill Maher and a skydriving accident survivor joined Leno with Atkins.
I don't know how Maher had the guts to walk over there and face Atkins and his band after the things he had said earlier about country music.
Atkins, a class act, shook Maher's hand. For one brief moment, Maher managed to get his foot out of his mouth. He could be heard saying "Terrific" to Atkins, as Leno thanked his guests and said his goodbyes.
So, was Maher lying or was he being sincere? Did Atkins convert Maher to appreciate country music?
It doesn't matter. The damage was done. The ill-mannered Maher had already revealed his true self -- a mean-spirited, miserable soul.
Still, a little self-censoring on Maher's part would have been welcomed.
Make that a lot of self-censoring.
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