From The New York Times:
A documentary by the Discovery Channel claims to provide evidence that a crypt unearthed 27 years ago in Jerusalem contained the bones of Jesus of Nazareth.
Moreover, it asserts that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, that the couple had a son, named Judah, and that all three were buried together.
The claims were met with skepticism by several archaeologists and New Testament scholars, as well as outrage by some Christian leaders. The contention that Jesus was married, had a child and left behind his bones — suggesting he was not bodily resurrected — contradicts core Christian doctrine.
Two limestone boxes said to contain residue from the remains of Jesus and Mary Magdalene were unveiled yesterday at a news conference at the New York Public Library by the documentary’s producer, James Cameron, who made “Titanic” and “The Terminator.” His collaborators onstage included a journalist, a self-taught antiquities investigator, New Testament scholars, a statistician and an archaeologist. Several of them said they were excited by the findings but uncertain.
That news conference was more P.T. Barnum than science.
It was pure freak show.
...Mr. Cameron said he had been “trepidatious” about becoming involved in the project but got engaged out of “great passion for a good detective story,” not to offend and not to cash in.
“I think this is the biggest archaeological story of the century,” he said. “It’s absolutely not a publicity stunt. It’s part of a very well-considered plan to reveal this information to the world in a way that makes sense, with proper documentation.”
Cameron seems to suffer from delusions of grandeur.
He made a film that claims to be a documentary, but it's just a thinly-veiled attempt to attack and undermine Christianity, trashing the most fundamental aspects of the faith.
I think Cameron is looking for another Titanic.
"I'm the king of the world!"
...Among the most influential scholars to dispute the documentary was Amos Kloner, former Jerusalem district archaeologist of the Israel Antiquities Authority, who examined the tomb in 1980.
Mr. Kloner said in a telephone interview that the inscription on the alleged “Jesus” ossuary is not clear enough to ascertain. The box on display at the news conference is a plain rectangle with rough gashes on one side. The one supposedly containing Mary Magdalene has six-petalled rosettes and an elaborate border.
“The new evidence is not serious, and I do not accept that it is connected to the family of Jesus,” said Mr. Kloner, who appears in the documentary as a skeptic.
New Testament scholars also criticized the documentary as theologically dangerous, historically inaccurate and irresponsible.
“A lot of conservative, orthodox and moderate Christians are going to be upset by the recklessness of this,” said Ben Witherington, a Bible scholar at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Ky. “Of course, we want to know more about Jesus, but please don’t insult our intelligence by giving us this sort of stuff. It’s going to get a lot of Christians with their knickers in a knot unnecessarily.”
I'm a Christian and my "knickers" aren't in a knot.
The claims are so ridiculous and so poorly grounded that they're easily dismissed.
What's troubling is that the findings are being given any sort of serious consideration.
Some academics and so many in Hollywood enjoy tweaking Christians. Insulting believers is a favorite pastime of Leftists.
They have fun bullying believers with their conjecture.
I think they get a sick pleasure from knowing that their controversial claims will cause an uproar among some Christians.
It's particularly offensive that these exposés to debunk Christianity always seem to coincide with Lent and the Easter season, the holiest time for Christians.
It's best to just ignore them. They're peddling tabloid trash.
Who's Judah's daddy?
Who's Dannielynn's daddy?
I don't see a difference. It's exploitation for exploitation's sake.
Today and Matt Lauer jumped on the anti-Christian, exploitation bandwagon this morning.
Typical slime.
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