Sunday, February 11, 2007

Mayfair Mall's Woes

Just after last Friday's announcement that Mayfair Mall in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin would be enacting a parental escort policy to help cut down on the numbers of teens overrunning the place, there was yet another disturbance there that required police intervention.

Three arrests were made.
Mall spokeswoman Nancy Conley said the policy, which has yet to be finalized, has nothing to do with recent police incidents, including an alleged racial attack on a city bus en route from the mall late last month.

"This has been in the works for a very long time," Conley said.

Details of the policy are still being ironed out. Yet to be determined are the ages of the teens who will be affected, the hours it will be in effect, and whether the policy will include Mayfair Cinema, a popular teen destination whose entrance is inside the mall. Stores with outside entrances would be able to opt out, Conley said.

...Mayfair stopped short of implementing a parental escort policy after a series of incidents involving police and young people raised racial tensions in the community and threatened to shut down the theater in 2002 and 2003. Instead, the mall adopted a strict code of conduct, boosted security and police presence, and worked with the theater to improve crowd control there.

The measures have been successful in curbing unruly behavior, according to police and mall officials. But incidents continue to flare up.

The most recent "flare up" occurred on Saturday night.

This shows that the proposed policy is desperately needed.

WAUWATOSA -- Three teenagers were arrested after causing a disturbance at Mayfair Mall Saturday night.

Police were called to the mall's movie theater after rowdy teenagers cause a disturbance.

About 500 people were leaving the new Eddie Murphy movie “Norbit” when a small disturbance started just before 9 p.m.

A mall spokesperson said a small group was using foul language and being disrespectful.

At least six Wauwatosa Police squads were called in to help mall security.

One boy fought with officers.

Witnesses said police used pepper spray and a stun gun.

In the end, police handcuffed three teenaged boys and took them into custody.

Six police squads.

Pepper spray.

Stun gun.

Although the disturbance was minor compared to other incidents at Mayfair involving large numbers of people, these teens clearly didn't cooperate with police if the use of pepper spray and a stun gun was needed to subdue them.

Obviously, the mall's "Parental Guidance Required" program is long overdue.

It's unfortunate that good, responsible kids will have to suffer because of the actions of a few. But I don't think the mall has a choice.

The problem needs to be brought under control immediately. Unruly teens simply cannot be allowed to take over the mall and drive away customers.

If action isn't taken to PREVENT the flare ups, then Mayfair is doomed.

Of course, some will say that the restrictions are a thinly disguised effort to keep minorities away from the suburban mall.

That's just stupid.

There is no way that an argument can be made that the program is a racially motivated plan to keep out minorities. It's a matter of safety for everyone.

Why would mall patrons of any race want to put up with mobs of threatening thugs?

Mayfair's "Parental Guidance Required" program will be based on age, not race; and its implementation can't come soon enough.

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