No, not the Packers, not beer.
Certainly not cheese.
Let's talk about the Steven Avery murder trial.
Steven Avery is Wisconsin's version of Anna Nicole Smith.

The media's coverage of the story has gone beyond excessive. It's become a circus.
Without question, Steven Avery's trial for the gruesome murder of Teresa Halbach is a legitimate story. The media would be remiss if they didn't follow it and provide reports.
That said, the coverage is getting ridiculous. In my view, it's become exploitative.
Just in time for February sweeps! Woo Hoo!
What perfect timing!
The hoopla isn't just a TV thing. The hype has spilled everywhere.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel website offers regular "updates from inside and outside of the courtroom."
It has live video, courtesy of NBC26 in Green Bay, a sister station of Milwaukee NBC affiliate TODAY’S TMJ4 of the Journal Broadcast Group.
There's also a must-see special section of archives providing everything you wanted to know about Steven Avery.
Radio has jumped on the Avery gravy train, too.
Newsradio 620 WTMJ has a trial blog and trial podcasts.
Away from your TV, PC, or radio?
Not to worry.
You can get your Avery fix via TEXT ALERTS.
I realize that people are interested and I understand why. The Steven Avery case has all the elements that make for great entertainment, just like the Anna Nicole Smith story.
Drama and deviance and death.
The public is fascinated and the media are giving them what they want -- More, more, more.
The family and friends of Teresa Halbach have my sympathy. While they must be relieved that they're on the road to justice being done, it must be so painful to have their beloved Teresa be the topic of water cooler chat.
If there are any, Anna Nicole Smith's loved ones have my sympathy, too. (Did anyone besides her son really love her? I hope so.)
Yes, it's news; but it morphs into a twisted entertainment, the ultimate reality show. It's all so unseemly.
Although we have the technology to go 24/7 in real time with these news stories, that doesn't mean that we should.
How does one cope in this O.J. Simpson - JonBenet Ramsey - Anna Nicole Smith - Steven Avery obsessed world?
Make a choice. Dive in and immerse yourself or tune it out.
It's a free country.
A voyeuristic, frivolous country.
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