The Left is in mourning.

Relatives carry a body after a suicide blast outside the main U.S. military base in Bagram February 27, 2007. (Ahmad Masood/Reuters)
The Left is mourning because Vice President Cheney wasn't among the dead in an attack on a U.S. base in Afghanistan.
BAGRAM, Afghanistan -- A suicide bomber attacked the entrance to the main U.S. military base in Afghanistan on Tuesday during a visit by Vice President Dick Cheney, killing up to 23 people and wounding 20.
Cheney was unhurt in the attack, which was claimed by the Taliban and was the closest that militants have come to a top U.S. official visiting Afghanistan. At least one U.S. soldier, an American contractor and a South Korean soldier were among the dead, NATO said.
Cheney said the attackers were trying "to find ways to question the authority of the central government." The Taliban said Cheney was the target.
About two hours after the blast, Cheney left on a military flight for Kabul to meet with President Hamid Karzai and other officials, then left Afghanistan.
The Left isn't happy.
Read some of the comments that were hosted by The Huffington Post, until the page was sanitized after coming under criticism for its utter lack of civility.
“Geoman 77” (if that’s his real name) opines, “Cheney's spokeswoman said he was fine. F**k.”
“ResistanceIsFutile” gets right to the point: “S**t!”
“Fantanfanny” shows some carefully calibrated outrage: “So Cheney is personally responsible for the deaths of 14 innocent people...and then he waddles off to lunch!! What a piece of s**t!”
“Irual” shows his/her/its outrage by using a lot of exclamation points: “To (sic) bad they missed!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“TBD” shows the kind of plucky optimism that made America great: “Better luck next time!”
“Pakiman47” waxes wistful: “What a different world we would be living in today if they had succeeded.”
“Ncjohn” hears history’s echo: “In 1944 Claus von Stauffenberg's bomb unfortunately missed Hitler. I see the parallel and the inherent risk. This is to that what 9/11 was to the burning of the Reichstag. I am waiting for this effort to obliterate Cheney to be linked to Iran just like 9/11 was purposefully linked to Iraq by the ghouls who control our country.”
“Jazzman” sees the same parallel: “Isn't this the moral dilemma that Deitrich Bonheoffer found himself in when he chose to join a plot to assasinate (sic) Hitler. If we know that Cheney is plotting to light up the entire Middle East region by instigating an attack on Iran, if we know he is lying to do so, if we know that he is launching these wars to line the pockets of his corporate friends, and establish hegemony around the globe, if we know that he intends to hijack civil liberties and destroy constitutional government in this country, should we cheer if someone could stop him before hand?”
These people are vile.
They are truly sick.
They disgrace themselves and they disgrace the Democrat Party.
Remember, they are the Dem base.
The demonization of Dick Cheney by the Democrats -- elected officials, Dem presidential wannabes, and the rank and file -- has been positively unconscionable.
These sort of despicable comments aren't unusual for the Left-wing. It's business as usual.
Wishing the American Vice President had been killed today is so ugly; but it's typical ugliness, commonly found on Left-wing sites.
These people spewing this vitriol are the supporters of John Murtha, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Carl Levin, and all the rest of the "Blame America first" crowd.
Those horrible, hateful words reflect the Democrat Party of today.
The mindset of the people of the Dem base is truly a disgrace.
It's unpatriotic to wish Vice President Cheney dead. They are unpatriotic.
It's anti-American.
Let's take politics and nationl borders out of it.
It's evil from a moral standpoint.
Be proud of yourselves, elected officials of the Democrat Party.
Be proud when you cash those checks from your supporters, those saddened that OUR Vice President wasn't killed in Afghanistan while on a mission to protect the American people from al Qaeda.
Read Vice President Cheney's remarks.
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