WASHINGTON -- House members fiercely debated Iraq war policy Tuesday in an emotional and historic floor faceoff over a conflict that Speaker Nancy Pelosi lambasted as a U.S. commitment with "no end in sight."
The confluence of arguments came as the war nears the four-year point with over 3,100 American deaths, billions spent and lawmakers grappling what position to take on President Bush's decision to send an additional 21,500 troops into battle.
"The American people have lost faith in President Bush's course of action in Iraq and they are demanding a new direction," said Pelosi, a California Democrat who became the first female House speaker after her party took control of both the House and Senate in the fall elections.
A resolution putting the House on record as against Bush's expansion of troop strength was expected to be approved by week's end. It was nonbinding, but nevertheless unmistakable in its message. "No more blank checks for President Bush on Iraq," Pelosi declared.
What an idiotic declaration by Pelosi!
"No more blank checks for President Bush on Iraq."
Since when has it ever been the job of Pelosi and her comrades to give President Bush blank checks on anything?
The Legislative Branch is supposed to provide a check and balance.
What have they been doing on Capitol Hill?
Sitting back and telling Bush to take care of everything?
In effect, Pelosi announced that she hasn't been doing her job for the past four or five years.
You know, when these goofs open their mouths it really is amusing, but also frightening.
Yes, my amusement is checked by my fear over the fact that these people are our political leaders and hold the future of our country in their hands.
Republicans, now the minority party on the Hill for the time in 12 years, issued impassioned warnings of the consequences of undermining the president's policies in Iraq. "We will embolden terrorists in every corner in the world. We will give Iran free access to the Middle East," said Republican leader John Boehner, R-Ohio. "And who doesn't believe the terrorists will just follow our troops home?"
Boehner teared up before reporters as he listened to Rep. Sam Johnson, R-Texas, describe being a prisoner of war in Vietnam and learning of U.S. protests back home.
Such dramatic descriptions of the Vietnam era have no effect on the Dems. After all, they were the ones protesting back home. The John Kerry/Jane Fonda libs aided the enemy and helped to secure defeat in Vietnam.
Furthermore, the Dems were responsible for giving terrorists and tyrants confidence during the 1990s and they're responsible for doing exactly the same thing now.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., insisted that they had no intention of impeding the mission of those in Iraq. "There will be no defunding of troops in the field. There will be no defunding which will cause any risk to the troops," he told a news conference.
That's a crock!
Several Dems have talked of defunding the war as the most effective strategy to end it.
Hoyer is throwing up a smokescreen.
He wants the American people to believe that the Dems are capable of managing our national security and handling the threats that Islamic extremism pose to our country.

World Trade Center Bombing, February 26, 1993
Putting our faith in Dems to wage the War on Terror and protect us will prove disastrous in a very BINDING way.
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