Monday, February 12, 2007

Will Romney Make History?

One of the angles that the lib media are using to whip up excitement over Election 2008 is by citing it as destined to be historic.

Will Americans elect Barack Obama as our first black president? (Well, half black anyway. And sorry, Bill Clinton didn't count.)

Will Americans elect Hillary Clinton to be our first woman president? (Female is not to be confused with feminine.)

The big question in both cases: Is America ready?

Newsweek's Jon Meacham actually made the idiotic remark that a vote for Obama is a vote against racism.

Monday morning on Imus, Meacham said:

"I think Obama has a good chance, and what’s good about it is it’s going to force everybody to examine their prejudices and their preexisting ideas not only about race, but about what Democrats are like. He’s, you know, an early and often critic of the war, and you watched Senator Clinton in New Hampshire doing a tap dance over the weekend about her vote, and I think there are a lot of people who just don’t want to hear about the nuances of why they voted for war at this point."

In other words, if you don't vote for Obama, you might be a racist.

Can you handle a black president?


Following Meacham's logic, I guess if you don't vote for Hillary, you just might be a misogynist.

Both Obama and Hillary Clinton are being touted as historic figures. Their campaigns are history in the making.

Thrilling, isn't it?

One small vote for an African-American or a woman, one giant leap for America.

I think it's interesting that the lib media have arrived at a consensus that electing a black or a woman president would constitute a step forward for the country.

The race and gender barrier should have been broken long ago. America is ready!

So why isn't the possibility of the first Mormon president greeted with similar fanfare?

Romney's faith is always mentioned in negative terms. Oooh, scary.

It's a potential roadblock for him. Have you heard? Religious conservatives don't like those Mormons. I know because the lib media said so.

Based on the lib media's assessment:

America is ready for a black president.

America is ready for a woman president.

America isn't ready for a Mormon president.

However, if a Dem were the Mormon in question, you'd see an entirely different take on this.

Then America would be ready to elect the first Mormon president.

There would be a buzz about the progress being made in the country for being on the threshold of breaking down a religious barrier.

That's not happening, and all because Romney is a Republican. America is only ready for diversity if the candidates are libs. It's a Left/Right thing.

Diversity is forbidden if a conservative philosophy accompanies it.

Libs have no qualms about unabashedly degrading qualified minority and female candidates if they're conservative. Michael Steele provides a case in point.

Same goes with a conservative candidate's religion.

Example: Joe Lieberman was praised for coming close to being the first Jewish vice president. A conservative Jewish candidate, on the other hand, would be trashed by the Left and labeled negatively as a neocon.

In the end, Romney's qualifications and his policies are irrelevant.

I'm afraid that America is just not ready for a Mormon president. The bigoted Left would never tolerate it.

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