Former Vice President Al Gore testifies about global warming during a hearing held by the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington March 21, 2007. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque (UNITED STATES)
Al Gore is desperate.
Actually, he's an emotional wreck.
According to Gore, "Our world faces a true planetary emergency."
Poor Gore.
He's trying to save all of civilization and the polar bears, too.
He's begging people to stop their gluttonous energy consumption.
(Forget about the fact that he gorges himself.)

Gore was on the verge of tears during his testimony before House panels today.
"I want to testify today about what I believe is a planetary emergency a crisis that threatens the survival of our civilization and the habitability of the Earth," Gore told the House committees. "The consequences are mainly negative and headed toward catastrophic unless we act."
What drama!
It's the end of the world!
Is Gore's "carbon-neutrality" crap enough to avert catastrophe?
Drastic times call for drastic measures.
Maybe we should ban all air travel immediately.
I suppose we could limit the square feet of living space each person can have.
No more big houses with those evil incandescent light bulbs. Think of the damage that enemy of civilization Thomas Edison has done!
I don't think we have any choice but to round up the demonic cows. We can't sit by as their emissions destroy the planet. Is it possible to keep the cows and their "byproducts" in enclosed chambers?
We put a man on the moon. Why can't we conquer the cows?
Oh, the humanity (and polar bears)!
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