Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Jim Webb Scares Me

What can I say?

Senator Jim Webb is scary.

He seems to be out of touch with reality. It's like he treats his life as if he's acting out scenes for an as yet unwritten novel.

Yesterday, the word from
Webb's office was this: "To our knowledge, this incident was an oversight."

Today, things have changed.

Webb denies giving his gun to his aide Philip Thompson.

Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) said Tuesday that he did not give staffer Philip Thompson the pistol whose possession got the aide arrested Monday when he tried to enter the Russell Senate office building.

“I have never carried a gun in the Capitol complex and I did not give the weapon to Phillip Thompson, and that’s all that I think I’ll say,” Webb told reporters.

“I think this is one of those very unfortunate situations where, completely inadvertently, he took the weapon into the Senate yesterday,” Webb added. The senator noted that he was in New Orleans from Friday until Monday. He speculated that the incident happened because three of his cars were moved because of the trip.

...“Everyone here knows that I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, that I have had a permit to carry a weapon in Virginia for a long time, and I believe that it’s important — it’s important for me, personally, and for a lot of people in the situation that I’m in, to be able to defend myself and my family.”

Webb is parsing words; and it sounds like Thompson is agreeing to take a bullet for Webb. Slimy Webb is wiping his hands of the matter.

He says he didn't give the gun to Thompson. Who cares?

It certainly was Webb's gun and it certainly was in Thompson's possession.

Why should Webb and Thompson be treated any differently than any other citizen in D.C.?

Would a tourist who inadvertently brought a loaded gun to a Senate office building be let off the hook?

Furthemore, Webb is trying to paint himself as a victim of a conspiracy, as though he has enemies interested in assassinating him or harming his family.

Are the libs in the media getting on Webb's case for being a gun-toting cowboy?


WASHINGTON -- Sen. Jim Webb turned an awkward episode — the arrest of one of his aides for carrying a gun into one of the Senate office buildings — into a political opportunity Tuesday, giving a spirited defense of his and other Americans’ right to carry firearms to defend themselves.

While Webb, D-Va., did not specifically say he’d support a change in the law in the District of Columbia that bans most residents and visitors from carrying or even possessing guns, he did defend the right of people to use guns in self-defense.

I wouldn't refer to this as an awkward episode.

That's being awfully easy on him.

Would the reaction of the lib media be the same if a Republican senator's aide inadvertently tried to bring a loaded gun into a Capitol Hill office building?

Can you imagine if someone working for Karl Rove did that?

There would be hearings. Chuckie Schumer would be on the Sunday talk shows demanding that this violent administration be investigated.

Since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, he said, “it’s a more dangerous time” for those serving in government. “I’m not going to comment with great specificity about how I defend myself, but I do feel I have that right,” he added.

Webb, a Marine veteran of the Vietnam War and former secretary of the Navy, said members of Congress did not have the high level of protection that the president and executive branch officials have. As a result, he said, “We are required to defend ourselves.”

When a reporter asked Webb if he considered himself “above Washington D.C.’s gun law,” the Virginian replied that he would not comment on “how I provide for my own security.”

Since 9/11?

Does Webb think that he might need a gun to battle some terrorists?

Talk about promoting a
"culture of fear!"

Webb is exploiting the terrorist attacks as an excuse for disregarding D.C.'s gun laws.

He claims that he doesn't feel safe enough. The U.S. government doesn't provide enough security for senators.

Webb has the right to defend himself, but he doesn't have the right to break the law.

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