Yes, he has received plenty of encouragement from some conservatives.
Those uncomfortable with Rudy Giuliani's positions on social issues, and those uncomfortable with Mitt Romney's flip-flopping, and those uncomfortable with John McCain's McCain-ness are looking for a candidate that they can really support, not just accept.
For many, that's Fred Thompson.
Yes, Thompson has made it clear that he's considering a run and he's done a good deal of media recently; but he's still holding back on a decision. His candidacy is little more than a flirtation at this point.
At least Thompson hasn't pulled any Chuck Hagel-style stunts announcing that he will be making an announcement to say he's not ready to announce his intentions to run.
For now, Fred Thompson is content to sub for Paul Harvey and basically sit back and soak in all the positive feedback that he's getting. He's noncommittal.
However, Thompson will be announcing his run for the presidency on April 4.
Fred Thompson doesn't plan to announce then. TOMMY Thompson, former governor of Wisconsin and former Secretary of Health and Human Services under President George W. Bush, does.
Tommy will try to win the Republican Party's nomination for the presidency in Election 2008.
It's official, former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson will become a Republican presidential candidate.
A Thompson campaign e-mail sent Monday morning said the four-term GOP governor and former U.S. Health and Human Services secretary plans to throw his hat into the ring April 4 in Clive.
Thompson has been blanketing Iowa, holding town hall meetings in communites across the state since early December, when he formed his exploratory committee. The popular Wisconsin governor has made weekly stops in Iowa since that announcement. He has stressed the importance of faring well in the Republican Party of Iowa straw poll in August in Ames and winning the Iowa caucuses.
"I have to win Iowa in order to win," Thompson told a crowd of nearly 50 people at an event March 10 in Indianola.
The Thompson campaign broadened its efforts last week when it hired Meridan Communications to oversee its New Hampshire operations.
Thompson Says He Has Overcome Odds Before
Tommy is serious.
He's actually going to try to be the Republican Party's nominee for President of the United States.
Tommy does have an impressive resume. His qualifications are far superior to those of Barack Obama or John Edwards or Hillary Clinton.
Among the Republican candidates, Tommy has more experience as an executive than Rudy Giuliani or Mitt Romney or John McCain.
In spite of that, Tommy and the presidency are akin to a snowball and hell.
He is about as dark as a dark horse can be.
I think there are three possibilities:
1. Tommy is delusional.
2. Tommy is positioning for the number two spot on the ticket.
3. Tommy is delusional and trying to get on top of the short list for vice president.
When Tommy declined to challenge Herb Kohl for his senate seat in 2006, I suspected that Tommy had his eyes on a bigger prize.
I think he could have defeated Kohl. I really do. Without a doubt, he would have had a better showing than Robert Lorge. Had Tommy run, maybe more conservatives would have voted and we'd have Mark Green as governor instead of the corrupt Jim Doyle. Who knows?
I know that Tommy didn't want to be a senator. That wasn't enough.
That's too bad because he had a real shot of success there.
As far as the presidential nomination goes, I don't see how he could overtake Giuliani or McCain. Fred Thompson might be able to take them on, but Tommy doesn't stand a chance.
Hell would need to freeze over first.
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