Brazilians protest against the visit by U.S. President George W. Bush, scheduled to arrive later in the day for the first leg of a tour of five Latin American countries, along Sao Paulo's Paulista Avenue March 8, 2007. REUTERS/Caetano Barreira (BRAZIL)
I'm sure there are a lot of Democrats and other liberal nuts taking great pleasure in the protests against OUR President Bush on his goodwill tour to Latin America.
The American Hugo Chavez buddies probably wish they could be there to join in the fun. Who knows? Maybe Cindy Sheehan and Danny Glover are there.
The extremist Chavez is leading an "anti-imperialist" rally, condemning President Bush and U.S. policies.
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, on his dueling tour of Latin America, said Friday that President Bush has only just discovered poverty in the region and has come too late to "scrub clean" the legacy of destructive U.S. policies.
"Oh, ho ho! Gringo go Home!" Chavez declared before leading an "anti-imperialist" rally at a soccer stadium in the Argentine capital, just across the Rio del la Plata from Bush's stops in Uruguay on Friday and Saturday.
Chavez said Bush's five-nation swing would fail to improve America's image and dismissed his pledges of U.S. aid as a cynical attempt to "confuse" Latin Americans.
"I believe the chief objective of the Bush trip is to try to scrub clean the face of the empire in Latin America. But it's too late," Chavez said on Argentine state television. "It seems he's just now discovered that poverty exists in the region."
Chavez said his stadium rally with leftist labor, student and social groups "will be confrontational. I believe you have to point out the contrasts. If he says 'Yes,' we say, 'No!'"
Anti-American and anti-Bush sentiment run high in the countries on Bush's tour, particularly over the war in Iraq and U.S. trade negotiations.
Here's more coverage of Bush's trip, from the Bush-hating, lib media:
SAO PAULO, Brazil -- Taunted by leftist President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, President Bush on Friday insisted the United States is not neglecting Latin America and celebrated an alternative-fuels pact with Brazil as proof.
"I don't think America gets enough credit for trying to help improve people's lives," Bush said at a joint news conference with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. "My trip is to explain as clearly as I can that our nation is generous and compassionate."
Bush shrugged off fresh attacks from Chavez, his primary South American tormentor. The Venezuelan leader is staging a tour of the region to rival Bush's weeklong, five-country visit.
...Asked directly about Chavez's latest taunts, Bush refused to mention Chavez by name, a common practice. "I bring the good will of the United States to South America and Central America," he said. "That's why I'm here."
When do Americans march by the thousands in protest when a foreign leader visits our country? I don't recall that happening.
Did mobs take to our streets with images of Hugo Chavez as Hitler or burn him in effigy or burn the Venezuelan flag after Chavez made his despicable remarks about President Bush when he addressed the UN General Assembly in September 2006?
Nooooooo. Far from it. He was embraced by some Americans, including U.S. Senator Tom Harkin.
Personally, I can't stand it when I see protests and expressions of anti-Americanism.
I don't care if the president is a Republican or a Democrat; it bugs me when such disrespect is shown to an AMERICAN president.
It should trouble every American.
What bugs me even more than these ugly protesters is knowing that there are so many Americans that share their feelings, like the cast of The View, minus Elisabeth Hasselbeck.
We're at war. We were attacked.
Sorry, Latin America, that we've been sidetracked a bit.
Good grief.
Look at some pictures from the protests.
They're reminiscent of photos from protests in America.
Anti-Americanism at home and abroad -- both are upsetting to me, but I find the homegrown variety to be more insidious.
Truly pathetic.

Anti-Bush protest : A student sports a sticker on his coat depicting US President George W. Bush as Adolph Hitler during a protest in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (AFP/Mauricio Lima)

Activists paint 'get out Bush' near the hotel where U.S. President George W. Bush meets with Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in Sao Paulo, Friday, March 9, 2007. President Bush is on the first leg of a week-long tour of Latin America. (AP Photo/Maurilio Cheli)

Demonstrators burn home-made American Flags during a protest against the visit of U.S. President George W. Bush to Uruguay in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Friday, March 9, 2007. President Bush is on the first leg of a week-long tour of Latin America. (AP photo/Ali Burafi)

Students in Cali, Colombia, burn a paper U.S. flag to protest an upcoming visit by President Bush. His new Latin America approach is aimed in part at countering the leftist arguments of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez.
(Carlos Julio Martinez / AFP/Getty Images)
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