On Meet the Press, May 7, 2006, Nancy Pelosi and Tim Russert had this exchange:
MR. RUSSERT: Headlines in the Capitol Hill paper: “Dems prepare for transition.” Today’s Washington Post: “Confident Dems lay out agenda.” You’re measuring the draperies in the speaker’s office.
REP. PELOSI: No we’re not. No we’re not. The American people would like to know what we would do if we take over.
MR. RUSSERT: Ah, absolutely. If they...
REP. PELOSI: And that’s what...
MR. RUSSERT: ...and let me ask you about that, because you told The Washington Post that there will be investigations if the Democrats regain control of the House. The chairman of the Judiciary Committee would be someone named John Conyers. I went up to his Web site and this is what’s on his Web site: “Stand with Congressman Conyers. Demand an investigation of administration abuses of power and make recommendations regarding grounds for possible impeachment.”
REP. PELOSI: Democrats are not about impeachment. Democrats are about bringing the country together. This is what we have to do.
MR. RUSSERT: But that’s the man who would be chairman of the Judiciary Committee.
REP. PELOSI: Yeah, but that is not where the decision would be made. This is a—what I had told The Washington Post was that we will assume the responsibility that this Congress—this do-nothing, rubber-stamp Congress, rubber-stamp for President Bush—hasn’t done, has not exercised the congressional obligation and responsibility to have oversight.
MR. RUSSERT: So there would be investigations.
REP. PELOSI: Well, what I told them is we will have an investigation of energy prices. We will have an investigation. Then how that was done...
MR. RUSSERT: How about of the war?
REP. PELOSI: That would be if—I said we’d have hearings on the war. We’d have hearings on the war. But I don’t see us going to a place of an impeachment or all of that.
MR. RUSSERT: Is impeachment off the table?
REP. PELOSI: Well, you never know where the facts take you, but the—for any president. But, but that isn’t what we’re about. What we’re about is going there and, and having high ethical standards, fiscal soundness and a level of civility that brushes away all this fierce partisanship.
That last quote from Pelosi is a crock!
She said that Dems were "about a level of civility that brushes away all this fierce partisanship."
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The Dems are making good on their promise to probe EVERYTHING.
They are trying to paralyze the Bush administration with attack after attack and investigation after investigation.
It disgusts me that they are shutting down our government with their idiotic, cooked up, false scandals as they attempt to destroy the President.
It has reached a "shock and awe" level.
From The New York Times:
President Bush and Congress clashed Tuesday over an inquiry into the firing of federal prosecutors and appeared headed toward a constitutional showdown over demands from Capitol Hill for internal White House documents and testimony from top advisers to the president.
Under growing political pressure, the White House offered to allow members of Congressional committees to hold private interviews with Karl Rove, the president’s senior adviser and deputy chief of staff; Harriet E. Miers, the former White House counsel; and two other officials. It also offered to provide access to e-mail messages and other communications about the dismissals, but not those between White House officials.
Democrats promptly rejected the offer, which specified that the officials would not testify under oath, that there would be no transcript and that Congress would not subsequently subpoena them.
“I don’t accept his offer,” said Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Democrat of Vermont, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee. “It is not constructive, and it is not helpful to be telling the Senate how to do our investigation or to prejudge its outcome.”
Responding defiantly on a day in which tension over the affair played out on multiple fronts, Mr. Bush said he would resist any effort to put his top aides under “the klieg lights” in “show trials” on Capitol Hill, and he reiterated his support for Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, whose backing among Republicans on Capitol Hill ebbed further on Tuesday.
“We will not go along with a partisan fishing expedition aimed at honorable public servants,” the president told reporters in a brief and hastily convened appearance in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House.
The only offer that Leahy would accept from President Bush is his immediate resignation.
I think President Bush is too nice.
He has been too accommodating to the Dems and he has received no cooperation from them.
Fearful, spineless Republicans have buckled again and again rather than standing firm with the President.
The administration has made concessions to no avail.
The President nailed it when he spoke of "show trials" and "a partisan fishing expedition."
From the Associated Press:
Flexing their political muscle against the White House, Democrats in the House and Senate are insisting that President Bush's top aides describe their roles in the firings of eight federal prosecutors on the record and under oath.
A House committee was to vote Wednesday to authorize subpoenas for political director Karl Rove and other administration officials despite Bush's declaration a day earlier that Democrats must accept his offer to allow the officials to talk privately to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees, but not under oath and not on the record.
Would he fight Democrats in court to protect his aides against congressional subpoenas?
"Absolutely," Bush declared Tuesday in televised remarks from the White House.
..."If the Democrats truly do want to move forward and find the right information, they ought to accept what I proposed," Bush said. "If scoring political points is the desire, then the rejection of this reasonable proposal will really be evident for the American people to see."
Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who is leading the Senate probe into the firings, dismissed the White House offer.
"It's sort of giving us the opportunity to talk to them, but not giving us the opportunity to get to the bottom of what really happened here," Schumer said.
Schumer is such a slimy hypocrite.
The Dems are absolutely ruthless.
They are willing to do anything to crush the administration.
Their mouthpieces in the lib media are enthusiastic accomplices.
It's a truly shameful display.
There's no question that the Dems have declared war on the executive branch of the U.S. government.
Fronts in the War on Terror--
Washington, D.C.
Transcript of President Bush's Remarks on Resignations of U.S. Attorneys
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