Thursday, March 15, 2007

Rosie O'Donnell and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

I am officially calling for Rosie O'Donnell to apologize for her vile anti-American remarks.

I think O'Donnell is trying to be this generation's Jane Fonda.

I wonder how Daniel Pearl's widow, his child that he never lived to see, and the rest of his family and friends feel about O'Donnell standing up for the man claiming personal responsibility for beheading

O'Donnell has the right to believe and to say anything that she wants.

Free speech. God bless America.

Fine. Me, too.

She's a terrorist sympathizer.

We know that. Her comments about Khalid Sheikh Mohammed on today's The View are completely in line with things that she's said about terrorists and the the past.

I don't know why advertisers are sticking with the show.

Ann Coulter is a harmless kitten compared to O'Donnell.

Listen to what O'Donnell says.

Watch O'Donnell's rant (Hot Air).

Read portions of the transcript (NewBusters).
O’DONNELL: I think the man has been in custody of the American government, in secret CIA torture prisons in Guantanamo Bay, where torture is accepted and allowed, and he finally is the guy who admits to doing everything. They finally found the guy. It's not that guy bin laden. It's this guy they've had since ‘93. And look, this is the picture they released of him. Doesn’t, he look healthy?

...HASSELBECK: What do think should happen? What do you think should happen?

O’DONNELL: We should uphold the standards of the Geneva Convention and lead the free world in democracy.


HASSELBECK: I believe that. But what, specifically, if there was someone, say, who had been plotting an attack, how do you think they should be interrogated? What methods do you think would be fair?

O’DONNELL: I don't think the United States should ever, ever, ever torture other people.

...O’DONNELL: Because you don't think terrorists, you don’t think terrorists- you think that robs them of their humanity. That name "terrorist" makes them not human any more? They don’t-

...O’DONNELL: But I think this man, for whatever he did or didn’t do, he is not the be-all and end-all of terrorism in America and our government has not found the answer and this one thing –

BEHAR: One thing: He does, he does-

HASSELBECK: But he said he was.

O’DONNELL: After hood on his head and beaten to death.

HASSELBECK: Do you know that a hood was on his head that he was beaten?

O’DONNELL: Oh dear God, Elisabeth.

HASSELBECK: He’s still alive.

O’DONNELL: Why, since March 2003 has he not admitted it until now?

Newspapers have dropped Coulter's column. Advertisers have abandoned her website.

I think it's time for local affiliates to consider dropping The View.

It's time for advertisers to think twice before buying commercial time on the show.

It's time for people to exercise their civil liberties and let ABC know what they think of Rosie O'Donnell.

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