"I pity the April fool."

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is being stubborn again.
This guy doesn't want to talk. He wants to control.
He wants to annoy the West. He likes playing the role of the "little thug that could."
CAMP DAVID, Md. -- President Bush on Saturday said Iran's capture of 15 British sailors and marines was "inexcusable" and called for Iran to "give back the hostages" immediately and unconditionally.
Bush said Iran plucked the sailors out of Iraqi waters. Iran's president said Saturday they were in Iranian waters and called Britain and its allies "arrogant and selfish" for not apologizing for trespassing.
"It's inexcusable behavior," Bush said at the Camp David presidential retreat, where he was meeting with the president of Brazil. "Iran must give back the hostages. They're innocent. They did nothing wrong."
It was the first time that Bush had commented publicly on the captured Britons. Washington has taken a low-key approach to avoid aggravating tensions over the incident and shaking international resolve to get Iran to give up its uranium enrichment program.
..."I support the prime minister when he made it clear there were no quid pro quos," Bush said.
Like Bush's words, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's comments were his most extensive on the crisis. They tracked tough talk from other Iranian officials, an indication that Tehran's position could be hardening.
"The British occupier forces did trespass our waters. Our border guards detained them with skill and bravery," Iran's official news agency quoted Ahmadinejad as saying. "But arrogant powers, because of their arrogant and selfish spirit, are claiming otherwise."
...Iran appeared unreceptive to possible talks with Britain.
"Instead of apologizing over trespassing by British forces, the world arrogant powers issue statements and deliver speeches," Ahmadinejad told a crowd in southeastern Iran.
Without question, I support pursuing all channels to resolve the situation diplomatically as opposed to militarily.
I think eventually Iran will get around to releasing the 15 British sailors and marines.
And I don't think it will take 444 days, as it did when Iran held Americans captive during impotent Jimmy Carter's failed presidency.
I suspect Ahmadinejad is enjoying flexing his little girlie man muscles, and convincing himself that he's really holding the West hostage.
He's not. Tony Blair is not Jimmy Carter.
Ahmadinejad is acting like a thug, the way some losers do. The little guy wants to be a big tough guy.
No apology from the British will suffice because I don't think he really wants an apology. That would end the crisis. Ahmadinejad doesn't want that.
That wouldn't feed his ego.
When Ahmadinejad calculates that he's pushed this hostage situation to the limit and realizes its time to back down, as he will at some point, he won't admit that he's surrendered when he releases the hostages. He'll claim victory for Iran no matter what.
This situation illustrates that in the end you can't talk to Ahmadinejad because he doesn't want to talk.
Iran's flip-flopping demands indicate that a solution is not the goal.
Ticking off the West is.
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