Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Clueless Nancy Pelosi

Immediately following the speech, Pelosi was interviewed by Brian Williams on NBC. Pelosi kept talking about how much she respects our military and then turned around and said what they're doing is disastrous and that they're failing in their mission.

It really bugs me when the Dems claim to support and admire the troops as they belittle their efforts and dismiss their accomplishments.

Pelosi claimed the President is not sincere, that he hasn't told Americans the truth. The new catch words for the Dems seem to be "truth" and "trust."

She's nuts.

The House minority leader has lost touch with reality.

The Dems are still insisting there is no exit strategy and a timetable for withdrawal needs to be established at once. Kerry and Kennedy were blubbering about that earlier today.

Bush was very clear about the strategy, which is to hand control of Iraq over to the Iraqis as soon as possible. He said, "When Iraqis stand up, we will stand down."

The cry for a timetable is idiotic, but the Dems and some of the usual RINO suspects keep calling for one.

The timetable mantra alone is reason enough to drop to your knees and thank God that the Dems are out of power.

Pelosi and her party should show that they truly support the troops and stop making irresponsible remarks that put them in greater danger and undermine their mission.

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