Monday, December 11, 2006


Lefties are not in agreement when it comes to setting the table.

In spite of Nancy Pelosi's insistence that
"impeachment is off the table," rank and file far Left Democrats are demanding that impeachment be a centerpiece of the party's agenda.

John Nichols echoes the Lefties' cry, "Impeachment is Not Optional."

He writes:

After the death of her soldier son in Iraq, and after it became clear that the misguided policies that put her boy in harm's way would not be changed, a then little-known woman named Cindy Sheehan wrote a letter to the man responsible for those policies: George Bush.

In the letter, she told the president, "I will make it my life's work to see that you are impeached." And so she has, first by taking her protests against the war to the roads outside Bush's Crawford,Texas, ranchette, and then to cities across the country to declare that Congress has a fundamental responsibility to hold this president and vice president to account.

When tens of thousands of Americans participated Sunday in rallies, forums and teach-ins organized by the coalition and its allies to say that they want impeachment "on the table" for the new Congress, I joined Sheehan in New York at one of the largest of the gatherings.

Clearly, St. Sheehan still has some clout.

The Dems' best efforts to ignore those of her ilk and quiet the ramblings of the radical Left were only temporarily successful.

Yes, in November, the Dems managed to dupe American voters into believing that their candidates were moderate. They succeeded in pulling off their act that they reflected the values of Americans by pretending to be conservative. In other words, they acted as if they were sane.

Now with both houses of Congress in their control, all bets are off. The radical Left wing wants to control what's on the table. Prepare for a food fight.

The nutcase impeachment Dems, including Wisconsin's own Gwen Moore and Tammy Baldwin, haven't gone away. They were reelected.

It's stunning.

We're at war and there are actually elected officials interested in pursuing the impeachment of the President.

"Impeachment is not optional. It's not something that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid can say is not on the table," Sheehan said of the incoming Democratic leaders of the U.S. House and Senate, who have expressed caution about employing the tool created by the founders of the American experiment for the purpose of sanctioning errant executives. "It is their duty as officers of the Constitution, who who have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution, to carry out impeachment."

With the crowd that packed an auditorium at Fordham University's law school cheering her, Sheehan declared, "If George Bush isn't impeached then we should never impeach anyone else. We should just take [the sections outlining the impeachment process] out of the Constitution. It is a meaningless clause of the Constitution." Like many of the activists across the country who rallied Sunday, Sheehan made a direct connection between impeaching Bush and ending what Lynn Kates, an organizer with the Center for Constitutional Rights who joined the New York forum identified as "an illegal, immoral, unethical war."

For the far Left, the fact that we are at war isn't an incentive to rally together and unify the country.

Instead, they see the war as an opportunity to advance their agenda by proposing something certain to divide the country. Obviously, the radicals see impeachment as a way to give their brand of peace a chance.

"The war and impeachment are intertwined," said Sheehan. "George Bush has said over and over again that the troops aren't coming home while he is president. That just means we have to get a new president." Sheehan and other members of Gold Star Families for Peace will join activists with the World Can't Wait movement and other groups in Washington in the first week of January to lobby Congress to take up impeachment. It will be a frustrating process initially, as House Democratic leaders are working hard to keep a lid on pro-impeachment sentiment among members of their caucus.

Nichols cites the ousted Cynthia McKinney as the only Dem having the courage to introduce articles of impeachment, but he notes that there are dozens of Dems in office backing impeachment.

Their ringleader, John Conyers, is going to be the chair of the House Judiciary Committee!

Those are hopeful signs on the horizon for these impeachment-crazed libs.

Radical Nichols has faith, especially in St. Sheehan.

Sheehan is not letting Democrats, or Republicans, off the hook.

"Some issues transcend politics," she argued Sunday. "Our Constitution, our rule of law, our very humanity, demands that Congress begin impeachment proceedings."


What fun! Begin impeachment proceedings!

I think the new year is going to be one bumpy ride, courtesy of the Democrats.

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