Thursday, October 18, 2007


This is UNREAL!

Democrat Pete Stark is an elected official, serving in the U.S. House of Representatives.

He said:

First of all, I'm just amazed that they can’t figure out…the Republicans are worried that we can’t pay for insuring an additional 10 million children. They sure don't care about finding $200 billion to fight the illegal war in Iraq.

Where are you going to get that money? Are you going to tell us lies like you're telling us today? Is that how you're going to fund the war? You don't have money to fund the war or children. But you're going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the president's amusement."

...The truth is that Bush just likes to blow things up -- in Iraq, in the United States, and in Congress.

I am calling for Nancy Pelosi to rein in Stark and her other minions.

I am calling for a House resolution and a Senate resolution to admonish Stark for his remarks.

Harry Reid should draft a letter demanding that Pelosi get Stark to apologize. Reid should round up at least 41 of his Senate colleagues to sign the letter.

I am calling for the Democrat candidates for president to condemn Stark.

I am calling of the New York Times to write an editorial blasting Stark's resprehensible statements.

Can you hear the crickets?

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