Sunday, October 14, 2007

Speak, J.B. Van Hollen

What happened in Crandon?

We know of the seven deaths. We know the names of the victims and the name of the shooter. Some 911 calls have been released.

But when it comes to details about what happened during the hours between the shootings and Tyler Peterson's death, we don't know much.

According to the Associated Press:

Wis. officials tight-lipped on shooting

MADISON, Wis. -- The state's top law enforcement official is drawing criticism for encouraging the public not to answer reporters' questions about a north woods shooting by an off-duty sheriff's deputy that left seven dead, including the gunman.

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen last week said law enforcers would not answer questions about the case in the city where it took place, and he relayed a request that Crandon residents ignore reporters asking questions. He then left the podium without taking questions.

A week after the shooting, authorities have released little or no information on autopsy findings, certain 911 calls made during a manhunt and crime-scene evidence. The crime is one state's biggest homicide cases, and in addition to being a deputy, the shooter was also a part-time officer on the Crandon police force.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel said in an editorial Thursday that among the questions left unanswered is whether there was a problem with the police response, and whether psychological screening is needed for police recruits.

"The news media must give the survivors room to grieve in private," the editorial said. "But they must also do their job — report on a matter of great importance to the state. Unfortunately, Van Hollen has signaled that he may make the media's job harder."

Van Hollen said Tuesday at a news conference that victims' families had "asked me to ask the community at large to stop talking to the press. As such, we in the law enforcement community will do our part by having no further comments to the press from Forest County."

Van Hollen was simply passing on the victims' families' "very human desire to grieve in peace," said Kevin St. John, a spokesman for the state Department of Justice, which Van Hollen leads. More information will be released in time, he said.

Still, the Wausau Daily Herald called Van Hollen's statement inappropriate. "No one has the authority to suggest that an entire community remain silent," read an editorial Friday.

Unanswered questions still abound, the editorial said, including what led to the suspect's death. "How did he end up with three pistol wounds to the head and a rifle wound to an arm?"

It's no secret that people think there's some sort of cover-up about how law enforcement dealt with Peterson and how he died.

Naturally, all the unanswered questions lead to the creation of theories based on speculation and rumors.

Whatever happened, the sooner detailed information is released the better to quiet all the speculation.

Right now, Van Hollen is acting like he has something to hide, not good for an attorney general.

...The shooting drew dozens of reporters to Crandon, a town of 2,000 about 100 miles northwest of Green Bay. Many residents refused to speak to them after Van Hollen's statement. Some told reporters to go home.

Crandon Mayor Gary Bradley said he wished Van Hollen would have come down harder on the press.

"The news media was very aggressive, very aggressive people. They're not taking into consideration what people are going through here," Bradley said. "They set their cameras up with no regard to where they were. These people aren't running around with their brains."

I do sympathize with the people of Crandon. It must be awful to have the press crawling around when you're in shock, and later, in mourning.

I didn't think it was odd when Van Hollen asked the media to give the families and residents a break.

When he said that officials weren't going to talk to the press, I thought that would be a short-lived situation. Within a day or so of the crime, I expected to get more information.

I certainly didn't think that the silence of officials was going to be so extended.

But Doug Lee, an attorney who writes for Vanderbilt University's First Amendment Center, said that while some reporters do act like "rabid dogs," they're the minority. The attorney general's request reflects a trend in government to treat the media as the enemy, he said.

"You would think in an environment like this one, where there are a lot of emotions flying around, part of the grieving process, part of the healing process, would be to talk and to share," Lee said. "It's somewhat patronizing. Why can't people make their own determinations about speaking to the media?"

Doug Lee's statement is somewhat misleading.

He seems to be suggesting that Van Hollen said that people couldn't "make their own determinations about speaking to the media."

Of course, that's not the case. He didn't issue some sort of order preventing people from speaking. He certainly doesn't have the power to do that.

The people of Crandon can talk to the media if they wish.

I don't think this is a matter of the government treating the media as the enemy.

I think Van Hollen and other officials are avoiding the media and not being forthcoming with information; not because of some sort of adversarial relationship but because they don't want to reveal the truth.

It seems like Van Hollen is using the grief and shock of the victims' families and Crandon residents as an excuse to keep officials from talking to the media.

There's an exploitation factor here that's very troubling. He seems to be hiding behind a facade of sensitivity.

That's a mistake.

The facts will come out eventually.

It's not appropriate for law enforcement officials to be protected from the big, bad media. Officials need to inform the public.

A cover-up always makes matters worse. Nature abhors a vacuum and, in cases like this, so do people. The silence from officials is being filled with theories that may actually be more painful to those suffering in Crandon than the truth.

Van Hollen needs to be honest with the public. At this point, he's delaying the inevitable, drawing out the ordeal.

It's time to talk.

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