Kerry's email:
Dear -----,
I put it as plainly as possible: In the interests of national security, President Bush should fire Karl Rove. And, with enormous energy and enthusiasm the community responded in less than 24 hours to our "Fire Rove" petition.
But, still the President refuses to act. We need to keep the pressure on the President and the Republicans in the House and Senate.
We need you to recruit your friends and neighbors to sign our Fire Rove petition today to show that Americans will not tolerate White House dirty tricks that compromise our national security.
It's time for the President to do what he said he'd do and remove from the White House someone who leaked the identity of a CIA agent and made her dangerous job even more dangerous. And, if he's not willing to do that, George W. Bush should look the American people in the eye and admit that he didn't mean what he said when he promised to fire anyone responsible for the leak.
If you haven't already signed our Fire Rove petition, act now:
If you have signed it, help build momentum around the country by passing this along to five people on your email list.
It's remarkable that the presidential aide who should be packing his bags is instead sitting in White House meetings about stacking the Supreme Court with rigid ideologues. The last thing America needs -- and the last thing we will tolerate -- is Rove-style tactics in the critical decisions our nation is about to make about the shape of the Supreme Court.
We'll fight tooth and nail to prevent those kinds of tactics from carrying the day. I urge you to stay alert, pass this message on to friends, and keep moving forward.
John Kerry
P.S. Republicans in Washington want us to believe that no one "out there in America" cares about Karl Rove's dangerous actions. Let's prove just how wrong they are. The credibility of the White House and the President are on the line. Urge everyone you know to stand up and express their outrage. Pass along our petition today.
Read Kerry's petition here.
"You have a choice to make: Spend the months ahead focused on protecting Karl Rove’s job security or spend them focused on protecting America’s national security. You cannot remain silent."
It's official.
Kerry has gone over the edge. I hope someone is preparing a padded room for him somewhere. The man needs help.
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