Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Divisive Resolution

What's the point of the "bipartisan resolution" on Iraq?

It's pointless, other than to undermine President Bush's authority and fracture the Republican Party.

Nonetheless, Republicans Olympia Snowe and Chuck Hagel are co-sponsoring the resolution with Dems Joe Biden and Carl Levin.

WASHINGTON -- The resolution would put the Senate on record as opposed to sending more troops to Iraq. It also calls for the U.S. military mission to switch from major combat to training Iraqi troops, counterterrorism and keeping foreign fighters out of Iraq.

"It is not in the national interest of the United States to deepen its military involvement in Iraq, particularly by escalating the United States military force presence in Iraq," the resolution states.

Hagel called the resolution a "genuine bipartisan effort." He is a possible presidential contender in 2008 and helped draft the proposal with Sens. Joe Biden, D-Del., and Carl Levin, D-Mich.,

However, some Republicans denounced the proposal as a political ploy to embarrass the president. Sen. John Cornyn, a Bush supporter, predicted the resolution would fail.

"If my Democrat colleagues are truly opposed to the mission in Iraq, then as the new majority in Congress they should schedule a serious debate and a vote on cutting off funding for our troops," said Cornyn, R-Texas.

Hagel shot back: "To somehow come up with a conclusion that it shows a lack of seriousness, I am a bit befuddled by what the Texas senator is trying to describe."

I believe that Hagel is befuddled.

Look at him. Listen to him. Befuddled is a good description.

Cornyn is right.

If Hagel and Snowe and their like-minded defeatist Dem buddies want to really do something of substance regarding the war in the Iraq, they should just do it.

This "defeat by a thousand cuts" approach is a disgrace.

If they are so against President Bush's policies, then they should take action that would immediately alter them.

They should cut funding for the war in Iraq now.

They should force the withdrawal of troops.

If that's what they want, then they should do it and quit screwing around.

What are they waiting for?

Why bother voting on a nonbinding resolution?

Why bicker over the language of something so meaningless?

This resolution isn't about Iraq. It's about power. In addition to embarrassing President Bush, the Dems want to divide the Republicans.

Dupes Hagel and Snowe are their willing accomplices.

It's sickening.

The Dems and the Republicans backing this resolution are showboaters.

They have the power to cut funding for the war; but they don't have the guts to use it.


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