I must admit that I was taken aback by some of the comments left on CBS' website regarding Sunday's 60 Minutes segment on the Duke case.
Lesley Stahl interviewed the parents of the three Duke lacrosse players -- David Evans, Reade Seligmann, and Collin Finnerty -- that Crystal Gail Mangum accused of rape.
Some had no sympathy for the parents, posting that they were disgusted by the parents' smugness, arrogance, and vengeful attitude.
One complained, "And to watch those parents ignore that behavior and blame the girl, the school, the media, the prosecutor, the roach, the leaf and every other damned thing you can think of with only a hint of responsibility falling on their own children's actions, shows an extreme amount of arrogance and a huge sense of entitlement."
A comment from the interview that received a great deal of criticism was made by David Evans' mom.
"Last question. If Mr. Nifong walked in the room, right now, what would you like to say to him?" Stahl asks.
"I guess I'd say, with a smile on my face, 'Mister Nifong, you've picked on the wrong families. You've picked on the wrong families that you've indicted; you've picked on the wrong family of the Duke lacrosse team. You've picked on the wrong family of Duke University, and you will pay every day for the rest of your life,'" says Rae Evans.
Rae Evans' remarks were taken by one poster to indicate, "WE ARE SO SUPERIOR TO YOU THAT WE WILL TAKE THE LAW INTO OUR OWN HANDS."
With all due respect, that's ridiculous.
The parents aren't taking the law into their own hands at all. They are using legal channels to right the wrong. They're doing what they should do in a nation of laws.
Are they stalking him? Are they harassing him? Have they hired a hitman?
It is undeniable that they and their sons have been victimized by a prosecutor run amok.
They didn't blame Mangum, though they certainly have good reason to be critical of her. She lied. She lied early. She lied often.
Rae Evans said, "When I'm trying to get over the rage I am thinking about, so deeply, this young woman who has been abused by men all her life. And nobody has abused her more than Mike Nifong."
If anything, Evans is being incredibly understanding and forgiving toward Mangum.
The fact is Nifong DID mess with the wrong people.
The parents and their sons are entitled to what every American citizen is entitled to -- justice under the law.
They SHOULD see to it that Nifong is held accountable for the way he abused their sons. And he did abuse them. Nifong knew there was absolutely no DNA evidence, NONE, yet he went ahead with the rape charges.
I'm not saying that their sons are angels. There was underage drinking at the party. They had strippers there. These aren't exactly altar boys.
Still, it's a huge leap to be slapped with a rape charge.
I didn't get the feeling that the parents were excusing their sons' behavior. I didn't perceive that "boys will be boys" attitude from them.
I saw angry parents.
I can imagine how they must feel because I'm mad that an elected official would be so brazen in his misconduct, showing no regard for the truth.
A D.A. does not have the right to abuse the law for personal political gain.
He used Evans, Seligmann, and Finnerty as pawns in his game. They certainly must be counted among the victims in this case.
Without question, the parents are completely justified in doing all they legally can to see to it that Nifong pays for what he did.
It's the right thing to do.
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