Monday, January 8, 2007

Feingold Blows his own Horn

Given Russ Feingold's obsession with Somalia, I was looking for his reaction to the U.S. airstrikes on al Qaeda members there when I stumbled across something funny on his website.

In case you didn't know what Russ Feingold accomplished in 2006, he's compiled a list for you.


Today, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold listed some of the accomplishments he made on a diverse range of issues in 2006. Despite being in the minority in the Senate in 2006, Feingold was able to make progress on issues including health care, agriculture, national security, and protecting our freedoms.

“I was pleased to be able to help get a lot done this year on behalf of Wisconsin and the country,” Feingold said. “As an incoming member of the Senate majority in the new Congress, I hope 2007 yields even more results.”

Feingold’s 2006 accomplishments include:

Protecting U.S. Taxpayer Dollars in Iraq

Keeping our Skies Safe

Helping our First Responders

Addressing Terrorist Threat in Africa

Fighting for Dairy Farmers

Helping Wisconsin Veterans

Supporting Military Families

Reforming the Army Corps of Engineers

Protecting and Defending Civil Liberties

Voting Rights

Securing Disaster Relief for Wisconsin

Responding to the Health Care Concerns of Wisconsinites

Supporting Stem Cell Research

Ensuring that the U.S. Government Buys American

I bet Feingold would be a master at padding a resume.

As far as Somalia goes, I only found a statement Feingold issued last week.
“With Ethiopia’s recent military advances into Somalia, it is more crucial than ever that the U.S. develop a comprehensive Somalia strategy. The U.S. must play more of a leadership role, instead of relying on the piecemeal diplomacy that has failed us in the past. The key challenge now is to transition Somalia from a failed state to a peaceful, stable country. We must help establish a credible government than can work to eliminate the conditions that have long made Somalia a haven for terrorists and a source of instability in a critical region.

“As part of a real strategy for Somalia and the Horn of Africa, we should dispatch a presidential envoy to the region and work aggressively to help stabilize and rebuild that country. Ethiopia’s incursion could very well have displaced the Islamic Courts, but it hasn’t addressed the problems that contributed to the rise of the Courts in the first place. Without aggressive U.S. engagement and international determination, Somalia will remain what it has been – a haven for terrorists, a source of instability throughout the region, and a threat to our national security.”

I don't think dispatching an Air Force gunship was what Feingold had in mind.

He wanted an envoy sent to Somalia. Perhaps Oprah or George Clooney?

No doubt a statement criticizing the Bush administration for carrying out the strikes will be released by Feingold shortly.


Feingold has joined up with Barack Obama.

What better way to get back in the limelight?

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