Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Jim Webb Responds

Random thoughts on the Dems' response to President Bush's State of the Union address:

I had trouble listening to Jim Webb’s response.

I kept thinking about his creepy novels and his weird altercation with President Bush.

For someone so explosive, I was surprised that Webb’s delivery was so dry.

It was odd the way he spoke in profile. It made him appear shifty. He had trouble looking directly into the camera.

It was awkward the way Webb pulled out the photo of his father. He pointed his dad out with all the smoothness of a clueless Weather Channel personality discussing a storm in the east while pointing at the Rockies.

For all of Webb’s blather, it was without substance.

He said that the Dems will not cooperate with Bush’s strategy for Iraq, but he didn’t say what they would do other than end the war.

Webb never uttered the word “victory.”

Here's the transcript.


Apparently, Webb played with the facts about the military in his response.

What did he think he was doing? Writing a novel?


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