We all know that, right?
On a superficial level, I don't think that Americans can get past the failed hair plugs.
On a more substantial level, the guy is not ready for prime time and he never will be. It's all that baggage.
Some of Biden's racial insensitivities:
"You don't know my state. My state was a slave state. My state is a border state. My state is the eighth largest black population in the country. My state is anything from a northeast liberal state."
"You cannot go into a Dunkin Donuts or a 7-Eleven unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."
And today's addition, referring to Barack Obama:
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Can you imagine what the reaction would be if a Republican said that?
A Republican would be crucified.
Really. Doesn't it sound like something that Pat Robertson might say?
Why is Biden given a pass on his remarks?
Will The Washington Post go on a front page rampage akin to its George Allen "macaca" campaign to discredit Biden?
Of course not.
The bottom line:
Biden is a disgrace.
The lib media are shameless in their bias.
The Post's attack on Allen was unconscionable.
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