Saturday, April 23, 2005

More Trouble For Bolton

Another Republican Backs More Review of Bolton

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The nomination of John Bolton as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was cast in further doubt on Friday when a fourth Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said more time was needed to review his record.

A spokeswoman for Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska said the senator felt the committee "did the right thing delaying the vote on Bolton in light of the recent information presented to the committee."

Asked if Bolton, an outspoken critic of the United Nations, had Murkowski's support, spokeswoman Kristin Pugh said, "I can't speculate on how she would vote."

...Pugh said Murkowski has discussed the nomination with Sen. George Voinovich, the Ohio Republican who stunned lawmakers when he said he was not prepared to support Bolton as Republicans were set to muscle the nomination through the committee on a party-line vote.

Republican Sens. Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island and Chuck Hagel of Nebraska also said they wanted more information on the accusations before they made up their minds.

Democrats appeared unified against Bolton, who most called one of the worst possible choices for the diplomatic post.

The Dems are always in lockstep. That's no surprise. They were all against Bolton from day one.

It's the Republicans that are falling for the Borking of Bolton that bothers me more.

Some former colleagues have come to Bolton's defense.

In a letter to the Senate panel's chairman and ranking Democrat, 43 of Bolton's former colleagues at the American Enterprise Institute denied allegations of the nominee's abusive behavior.

"Several of us were Mr. Bolton's subordinates, and the idea that he would seek to punish or settle scores with those who disagreed with him seems particularly preposterous," they wrote.

What's amazing about this is that Reuters reported it.

The White House meanwhile continued to push for Bolton, who President Bush has said is just the man to press for reforms at the United Nations.

Vice President Dick Cheney urged members of the Republican National Lawyers Association to lobby for the nomination.

"I've looked at all of the charges that have been made. I don't think any of them stand up to scrutiny. And if being occasionally tough and aggressive and abrasive were a problem, a lot of members of the United States Senate wouldn't qualify," Cheney told the lawyers' group.

Republicans and Democrats on the committee agreed to a May 12 session for their vote on Bolton.

The Democrats may be attacking Bolton, but their target is really the President.

They do not want to give Bush ANYTHING! Even when they know they can't win, the Dems will try to inflict as much damage as they can. Think of what they put Condoleezza Rice through in her confirmation hearings.

These political games are not good for the country. What weakens the President at home, weakens him on the world stage.

It's not fair to say ALL Dems are hoping for things to go bad for the country; but SOME certainly appear to be.

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