Thursday, January 31, 2008


Read this ridiculous e-mail from Mike Huckabee, "Full Throttle" (Wed, 30 Jan 2008 23:46:10):

When I look at Super Tuesday, I see a number of key Southern states, and other strong conservative states, that are likely to add to our delegate count and put us on the right track towards winning the Republican nomination.

I am optimistic about our chances and the path forward seems clear.

That's positively nuts.
I am also looking forward to a healthy and constructive debate at the Reagan Library tonight as we discuss the issues that will define our Party and America's future.

I received this message after the debate.

I said this yesterday, and I meant it, if the Republican nominee cannot relate to Republican voters on important issues such as border security, anxiety over the economy and is not an unwavering advocate for the family, the sanctity of life than we will not defeat the Democrats in the fall.

If the Republican nominee appears out of touch with regular voters or has cast votes that were an anathema to his Party, that candidate will fail to unite the Republican Party against the Democrat nominee, no matter who that Democrat nominee is.

We have a long way to go in this nominating process. When you look at what we have done, with what we have, it's a remarkable story that is not even close to being over. In fact, we like to believe we're just really getting started. I'm convinced that my optimistic message of hope and change will continue to resonate with voters as we head into Super Tuesday.

That said, we need to pick up the speed. Slow and steady wins the race more often than not, but sometimes you need to open things up and go full throttle.

To help us do that though, I am going to need your immediate financial support today. A gift of $25 or more will help us move closer to our goal of raising $1,000,000 by midnight on Monday from our direct mail and online. Raising this $1,000,000 is critical to our Super Tuesday efforts.

After you contribute please find one other person to match your level of support. Our goal is simple: $1,000,000 raised by Monday at midnight. This money will be invested in our voter contact efforts, new television advertising and our field operations in the Super Tuesday states.

Lets get this done, working together, as we always have.

With the deepest gratitude,

Mike Huckabee

He has got to be kidding!

How can he possibly be sincere about asking for money to help him win the Republican nomination?


At this stage, I think his fund-raising e-mails can be categorized as Internet scams.

Reporting Internet Fraud

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