In case you've forgotten about the crime committed by Sandy Berger, national security adviser to Clinton during his second term, here's an excerpt from an April 1, 2005, CNN report to refresh your memory:
The charging document states that between September 2 and October 2, 2003, Berger "knowingly removed classified documents from the National Archives and Records Administration and stored and retained such documents at places ... including his place of employment."
An associate of Berger told CNN the former national security adviser admitted to the Justice Department he originally took five copies of an after-action report -- one during his September 2003 visit to the Archives and four during his October 2003 trip.
When he returned to his office and compared the copies he had, he believed several were basically the same, the associate said.
He admitted to officials that he then used scissors to cut up three copies that night while at his office, they said. At first he had said he had either misplaced or unintentionally thrown them away.
When Archives officials contacted him after they realized documents were missing, he told them about the two copies he had and returned them, along with the handwritten notes he had taken, they said. He did not say anything about the three copies he had destroyed.
Clinton had asked Berger to review thousands of pages of documents related to the millennium terror plot and its aftermath for submission to the September 11th commission. While reviewing those documents, his lawyer said, Berger inadvertently took some classified documents and intentionally took handwritten notes he put together while reviewing the documents.
At the time the news of the Feds' investigation of Berger broke, when he was still denying any serious wrong-doing, the New York Daily News wrote:
The most important document Berger took was a "highly classified" assessment, written by former National Security Council aide Richard Clarke, on Clinton administration counter-terror efforts, sources said.
It included recommendations for improving efforts to thwart extremists, and one source characterized the report, stored at the National Archives in Washington, as critical of former President Bill Clinton's handling of the Millennium plots in 1999.
Berger admits he also took the notes he wrote from other documents he inspected - a violation of Archives policies - while vetting thousands of pages to be given to the 9/11 commission, his lawyer said.
An Archives staffer reported seeing the papers sticking out of a leg of Berger's pants, saying "it could have been white socks, except that [Berger] was wearing a dark suit," according to a government source.
Other reports had Berger also filling his pockets and jacket.
...Berger's attorney, Lanny Breuer, insists his client took the documents "inadvertently," and called claims that he stuffed papers in his socks "false and ridiculous" in an interview on CNN's "Wolf Blitzer Reports."
That line from the Archives staffer about the white socks and dark suit is priceless.
Today, NewsMax learned that "sentencing for former Clinton National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, who pled guilty in April to stealing and destroying top secret terrorism documents from the National Archives, has been delayed."
The Justice Department gave no explanation as to why he will not be sentenced until September. Calls made to Berger's lawyer, Washington, D.C. attorney Lanny Breuer, went unreturned.
Isn't it funny how the MSM have been on a three day feeding frenzy over Karl Rove's involvement in the Valerie Plame/ Joe Wilson case, while they gave only minimal attention to the Berger crime?
Dems are definitely in full drool mode. Kerry's "Fire Rove Now" petition is just one example. He wrote, "In the interests of national security, President Bush should fire Karl Rove."
This is laughable.
According to Kerry and the libs, Rove put our national security at risk even though it appears that he broke no laws.
Sandy Berger, on the other hand, admits to lying and destroying copies of classified documents that he smuggled out of the National Archives.
Do the libs think Berger endangered our national security? Of course not.
It's so ironic that Kerry is leading the lynch mob to get Rove.
He didn't get bent out of shape or start a petition when Berger, his adviser on foreign policy and national security during his failed presidential campaign, was "sloppy" with classifed information.
When Berger resigned from the campaign amid the scandal, Kerry issued a statement calling Berger a "friend" who has "tirelessly served this nation with honor and distinction."
There's nothing honorable about smuggling classified documents out of the National Archives, cutting them up with scissors, and then lying to authorities.
In terms of our national security, how can anyone begin to put Rove's comment about a desk-bound employee of the CIA in the same category with Berger's theft and destruction of sensitive documents?
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