--Michael Moore
In Michael Moore's world, the following AP report details what his so-called "Minutemen" do---slaughter children.
BAGHDAD, Iraq — A car bomber sped up to American soldiers distributing candy to children and detonated his explosives Wednesday, killing up to 27 other people, U.S. and Iraqi officials said. One U.S. soldier and about a dozen children were among the dead.
At least 70 others, including three U.S. soldiers, were injured in the attack, Iraqi and U.S. officials said. It was the second major homicide bombing in Baghdad this week. A bomber killed 25 people Sunday at an army recruiting center.
The fireball from Wednesday's blast also set a nearby house ablaze, the U.S. military said. The attack stunned the impoverished east Baghdad neighborhood of mostly Shiite Muslims and Christians.
At Kindi hospital, where many of the dead and injured were taken, one distraught woman swathed in black sat cross-legged outside the operating room.
"May God curse the mujahedeen and their leader!" she cried as she pounded her own head in grief.
Hospitals and police said between 11 and 13 children were killed. Authorities scrambled to compile a count of the dead and injured.
"The explosion was mainly on the children," resident Abbas Ali Jassim said.
A U.S. soldier assigned to Task Force Baghdad also was killed, the military said.
...In a separate attack Wednesday, a roadside bomb exploded near an American patrol in eastern Baghdad, killing a 7-year-old child and seriously wounding a woman, police said.
...Following Wednesday's bombing, charred remains of an engine block wrapped in barbed wire sat in the road. A child's bicycle was crumpled beside the street, which was splattered with pools of blood.
An elderly woman dressed in traditional black beat her chest in front of her house in grief.
"There were some American troops blocking the highway when a U.S. Humvee came near a gathering of children, and U.S. soldiers began to hand them candies," said Karim Shukir, 42. "Then suddenly, a speeding car bomb showed up and struck both the Humvee and the children."
It disgusts me that Moore dared to compare the Minutemen of the American Revolution to these conscienceless terrorists.
Moore, Democrats like Dennis Kucinich, and those of their ilk on the Radical Left view the U.S. military as occupiers. They do not consider the brave service of our troops to be noble. In their minds, they are not working to liberate an oppressed and terrorized people. Instead, the Radical Left believes that our troops are the oppressors.
Our troops were handing out candy to a group of Iraqi kids when these "Minutemen" murdered about a dozen innocent children, as well as killing a U.S. soldier.
How can anyone with any sense of morals consider the actions of the terrorist insurgents in Iraq to be equivalent to the efforts of our troops?
As Dr. Dean put it, "[P]eople that are creating the mayhem in the streets of Baghdad are people who are fighting for their country. They are local people who disagree with the occupation."
Questions for Dr. Dean:
Do you think that slaughtering children is an appropriate way for local people to express their disagreement with what YOU call the U.S. occupation of Iraq?
If you don't think it's appropriate, are you able to understand it?
There is no conceivable rationalization for intentionally blowing up children.
July 13: A baby injured in a bomb attack is held by her mother.
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