Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill, speaks in a campaign event for Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2006, in Milwaukee, Wis. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)
It's a week before the election, and Barack Obama is multi-tasking.
He's campaigning for fellow far Left Dems AND on tour hawking his new book, The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream.
Obama was at a Downtown Milwaukee rally this morning, trying to give Wisconsin Dem candidates a boost.
He also has a book-signing scheduled in the city today.
10/31/2006 Alverno College's Pitman Theater
Presented by Schwartz Books Ticketed event
Milwaukee, WI 53234
Wow. Rock star Obama is quite a powerhouse.
Rally the troops and sign books all in one day!

Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill, signs autographs following a campaign event for Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2006, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)
Greg Borowski reports:
With one week until Election Day, U. S. Sen Barack Obama (D-Ill.) touted Gov. Jim Doyle and other Democrats this morning at a sign-waving rally in downtown Milwaukee.
Before the rally, attended by 1,000-plus people, Obama was a guest at a fund-raising reception for Doyle held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Obama, who is weighing a presidential run, praised Doyle as "one of the finest governors in the country" and exhorted attendees to work for the Democratic ticket in the state.
"One of the finest governors in the country"?
Obama can't be serious about making a presidential run. A presidential candidate shouldn't go on the record and lie like that. It could come back to bite him.

Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill, left, speaks at a campaign event for Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle, right, Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2006, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)
It must be a generic line that Obama delivers at his combo campaign/book tour stops.
I'm sure he didn't know what he was saying. He wouldn't want to jeopardize his credibility with such a ludicrous statement.
Obama spent most of his 20-minute speech, though, focusing on "the audacity of hope," a phrase he acknowledged he ""pilfered" from his pastor - and, not so coincidentally, the title of his new book. He said the "audacity of hope" amounts to "believing the world that is not the world that has to be."
After citing key moments in history, Obama said: "At each and every moment, we have believed in the possibility of something better. That quality is essential to the American spirit."
Not a lot of substance there.
My questions for the presumptive next U.S. president:
What's your plan, Obama?
HOW, specifically, would you go about changing the world?
I've seen Obama interviewed -- a lot. I still have no idea what Obama's solutions to the world's ills are.
He's an empty suit.
In addition to Doyle, who faces a tough battle against U.S. Rep, Mark Green (R-Green Bay), Democratic candidates on stage included Lt. Gov. Barbara Lawton, attorney general hopeful Kathleen Falk, U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl and U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore of Milwaukee.
That's quite a cavalcade of Wisconsin radical libs and do-nothing Dems!
Doyle shows up in Milwaukee for fund-raisers and rallies. Too bad he can't be bothered to go to the city at times of crisis.
To be fair to Doyle, I guess that would be rather difficult, considering the city is in a perpetual state of crisis (thanks to do-nothing Mayor Tom Barrett).
I suppose Kohl decided to be at the rally because it wouldn't cut into his afternoon nap time.
Gwen Moore was there. Of course, she's among the ranks of "Dems for Impeachment."

Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill, and Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Wis., left, greet supporters at a campaign event for Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2006, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)
Does Obama know how radical Moore is? Is he on board with the Impeachment Dems? He certainly doesn't mind being associated with them. That's clear.
"Weak on crime" Kathleen Falk has a lot of guts to show up in crime-ridden Milwaukee. I gather she felt it was worth the risk to bask in Obama's illusory glory.
I bet Russ Feingold is fuming over his senatorial colleague's popularity. Obama is in the spotlight now, leaving Feingold fumbling around in the shadows.
Feingold has been campaigning to be president for over a year, but the Wisconsin Dems don't bring him in for the rally. The Dem Party of Wisconsin felt it necessary to outsource for big guns in the battleground Wisconsin campaign.
Poor, poor pitiful Russ.
The rally took place at Pere Marquette Park in downtown Milwaukee. The event had been scheduled for nearby Turner Hall, but was moved outside as interest picked up in recent days.
...Noting that former President Bill Clinton would campaign with him on Friday, Doyle said: "You know, today we might just have a future president in town."
Is Doyle referring to Mark Green's appearance in Milwaukee later this afternoon?
That's nice of him to deem Green presidential material. Or is he talking about Tommy Thompson?
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