Fashion critique: Those pink and fuchsia blouses and black pantsuits have got to go. Hillary needs to take some lessons from Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. She has to stop dressing like a high school trigonometry teacher.
Yesterday was the first debate between Hillary and Spencer. Going by Morris' account, I can see why Hillary has avoided debating her challenger.
Morris writes that Spencer came out swinging.
From the very beginning, he reminded New Yorkers that Hillary doesn't want to be their senator, she wants to be the President of the United States.
From NewsMax:
On Friday night, Hillary Clinton finally had to face an unscripted, uncontrolled media event -- a debate with her feisty opponent John Spencer, the Republican candidate for Senator from New York this year.
Spencer pinned her ears back with his opening statement when he declared: "I am the only person here who really wants to be the Senator from New York .... she wants to be president."
And then he exploited the opening by reminding Hillary "you're not the president yet."
During the debate, Spencer highlighted Hillary's vote against the NSA's wiretapping program and her efforts to kill the Patriot Act.
...Hillary's huge financial advantage and her lead in the polls was of little use tonight because it was obvious that the empress has no clothes.
Yikes. That's not a pretty image.
(Sorry. I know that's a bit catty, but it's true.)
While Hillary gave scripted, rehearsed answers, Spencer challenged her failure to deliver on her campaign promises of 200,000 new jobs and mocked her refusal to accept blame for anything, pinning the job loss on Bush and the North Korea bomb on the State Department.
Hillary doesn't have her HINO's (husband in name only) ability to finesse and go off script with ease.
(I'm sorry. That's wrong of me to make judgments about the Clinton marriage. Hillary accepts Bill and his antics. It's none of my business.)
But beyond the words, there were the appearances. Hillary Clinton was a Richard Nixon look-alike tonight, wearing pancake makeup, featuring hooded eyes that never met the camera, and looking like she felt -- angry at having to waste time justifying her Senate tenure in something as trivial as an election.
"Richard Nixon look-alike"?
Did she even have the five o'clock shadow???
John Spencer may not beat Hillary, but he sure made her sweat tonight. If she wins by less than 12 points -- the margin Lazio lost by in 2000 --- she will have a lot of explaining to do. And John Spencer, may just be the guy to make it happen.
I guess it comes down to what New Yorkers want in a senator.
Do they want someone to represent their interests, to be their voice?
Do they want to be a stepping stone to help a driven, power-obsessed woman run for president?

Delusions of Grandeur: "I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president."
New Yorkers may be satisfied serving as a doormat for Hillary.
That strikes me as so strange. I don't think of New Yorkers as being that wimpy and submissive.
I think of them as demanding accountability and expecting their senator to represent them wholeheartedly, not exploit them.
Oh, well. I guess many of them are content to be used as pawns in Hillary's run for the White House.
That still surprises me.
It doesn't surprise me that New Yorkers would elect a lib, not at all.
It does surprise me that they would elect a lib that cares about her personal goals and needs rather than those of her constituents.
I don't usually think of New Yorkers as chumps.
Of course, The New York Times has a diametrically opposed take on the Hillary-Spencer bout.
According to The Times, Hillary outperformed Spencer.
Now there's a surprise!
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