The spotlight is on North Korea and nukes and the brink of World War III.
(Weren't we on the brink of World War III in summer when Israel and Hezbollah were fighting? I guess we're on the brink again.)
Naturally, Dems are trying to score political points by bashing President Bush and the administration's handling of North Korea's nuclear testing rather than offering any substantive ideas on how they would manage the matter.
The Wisconsin senators, always critical of President Bush (mandatory for Dems in the Senate), have some suggestions.
Kohl said the key now would be for the United States to work with many other countries to persuade the North Koreans to halt their progress toward nuclear capability. "They (the North Koreans) need to see it is in their best interests not to go ahead with development of a nuclear program," he said.
The Milwaukee Democrat said that even though leader Kim Jong II is a "despot," it should be possible to persuade him to act in his self-interest. "There should be no thought at this time or in the foreseeable future of considering a military option," he added.
So Kohl wants there to be a vast coalition to convince North Korea to back off their nuclear pursuits.
Yeah, that will work. Get the world community to talk North Korea out of a nuclear weapons program. Sure, that will get the North Koreans to come around.

A rare sighting of Herb Kohl not napping
This guy is going to represent Wisconsin in the U.S. Sentate for six more years!!!
And then we have Russ Feingold. He is so preoccupied with his 2008 presidential campaign that I don't even consider him to be representing Wisconsin. Hollywood Russ is a senator from Wisconsin in name only.

"Can I have a third choice? Can I pick Sharon Stone?"
Anyway, presidential wannabe Senator Feingold, like Kohl, believes that countries should present a united front against North Korea. But, he's calling for more than a coalition of nations to insist that North Korea cease and desist. He wants the U.S. to go it alone, to act unilaterally. (GASP!)
...Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold issued a statement saying that the reported test shows "the danger of this administration's hands-off approach to North Korea."
The Middleton Democrat, who is a potential presidential candidate in 2008, said: "I join the president in condemning this provocative act, but the stakes are too high to rely on others to address the North Korean crisis. It is time for the U.S. to directly engage in this crisis and take strong action with the international community to address this threat to our national security."
Feingold is naïve.
That's probably why the radical far Left fringe find him so appealing.
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya
Wait a mintue. Shouldn't that be "Kumbaya my godless being, kumbaya"? Lefties mentioning God? I'm sure they use "Lord" in a secular way. What that way would be, I have no idea.
Feingold wants the U.S. to have one-on-one talks with North Korea.
I find his approach to be stunningly naïve.
What would a President Feingold say to Kim Jong Il that would convince him to lay down his nuke plans? Who would Feingold's secretary of state be? Barbra Streisand? Ted Turner?
God help us. (I don't mean that in a Lefty, secular way.)
Feingold wants to go back to the Bill Clinton approach.
He obviously doesn't learn from history and wants to repeat the mistakes of the past.
Madeleine Albright, always bragging about her personal relationship with the North Korean maniac, FAILED to get Kim Jong Il to focus on making love, not war.

Look at that body language. What chemistry!
Albright liked him.
Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who has met Mr Kim, said that the North Korean leader was very well informed and "was not delusional".
"I found him very much on top of his brief," she said, although she noted that some of the comments he made about his plans for the North Korean economy sounded illogical.
Albright FAILED.
Clinton FAILED.
I'd like Feingold to critique Clinton's position.
He's so busy posturing for 2008 that the maverick man conveniently ignores what took place in the 1990s.
The fact is it's very easy to talk. It's easy for Feingold to rip Bush.
Do you think Feingold could persuade the North Koreans to change the course they've been on for over a decade by engaging in one-on-one talks?
If you do, you're as naïve as Feingold.
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