The Times got the video "through a previously tested channel."

In this picture taken from video and provided by The Sunday Times London, showing children among the crowd who are gathered to listen to a man identified as Osama bin Laden, unseen, talking to followers, in a video also showing September 11, 2001 suicide pilots Ziad Jarrah and Mohamed Atta, joking about making a will in a video dated January 18, 2000, more than a year before the 9/11 attacks in the United States. The Sunday Times said Sunday, Oct. 1, 2006, that the video, which is dated Jan. 18, 2000, was made in Afghanistan for release after the men's deaths. The newspaper said it had obtained the video 'through a previously tested channel' but gave no further details, saying that sources from al-Qaida and the United States had confirmed the video's authenticity on condition of anonymity. (AP Photo/The Sunday Times)
Look at that child!
The video was dated January 18, 2000. By now that boy is old enough to be a suicide bomber. They grow up so quickly, don't they?
This little one was on the path to being a terrorist in 2000.
Listening to the libs, one would think that there wouldn't have been terrorists in the making prior to the war in Iraq. Obviously, they're wrong.

In this picture taken from video and provided by The Sunday Times London, showing September 11, 2001 suicide pilots identified as Ziad al-Jarrah, left, and Mohamed Atta, appear together joking about making their will in a video dated January 18, 2000, more than a year before the 9/11 attacks in the United States. (AP Photo/The Sunday Times)

September 11, 2001 suicide pilots identified as Ziad al-Jarrah, left, and Mohamed Atta, appear together joking about making their will in a video dated January 18, 2000, more than a year before the 9/11 attacks in the United States. The Sunday Times said Sunday, Oct. 1, 2006, that the video, which is dated Jan. 18, 2000, was made in Afghanistan for release after the men's deaths. The newspaper said it had obtained the video 'through a previously tested channel' but gave no further details, saying that sources from al-Qaida and the United States had confirmed the video's authenticity on condition of anonymity. (AP Photo/The Sunday Times)
LONDON -- Sept. 11 ringleader Mohamed Atta smiles in a video just broadcast for the first time, appearing with a fellow hijacker in the only known image of the two men together.
A widely published photograph of Atta had shown a clean-shaven man with a lined face, steely gaze and cold expression. The new recording released Sunday reveals a younger, bearded man who smiles and pats his hair into place after self-consciously trying on the hat.
Atta appears with fellow hijacker Ziad Jarrah in the soundless video, which was posted on the Web site of the Sunday Times.
Attah and Jarrah appear far different than in their mug shots made famous after they were identified as the attackers who hijacked planes that crashed into the World Trade Center and a Pennsylvania field five years ago. Both are bearded. They seem younger, and Atta's infamously bleak gaze is replaced by a somewhat softer expression.
...Atta appears to be the more reticent of the two hijackers. During a portion of the tape showing them together, the Lebanese-born Jarrah laughs and smiles broadly as Atta shakes his head slightly. The conversation then seems to turn serious, and the tape shows the two sitting on the floor, hunched over papers, which The Sunday Times reported was Jarrah's will.
Bin Laden said a few years ago that he was saving Atta's last testament to release for a special occasion, [Ben Venzke, head of the Virginia-based IntelCenter, which monitors terrorism communications,] said.
"It is highly unlikely that al-Qaida wanted the material to be released in this manner, and it is not consistent with any previous release," he said.
Seeing the ruthless killers smiling and laughing while filming their post-death messages is really creepy.
Although the AP article treats Atta somewhat sympathetically, ("softer expression," "reticent"), the fact is he flew American Airlines Flight 11 into the north tower of the World Trade Center.
Jarrah hijacked United Airlines Flight 93, killing all aboard though failing to reach his target.
To me, the images of a jovial Atta and Jarrah as well as the child highlight how truly deranged these people are.
The fact that at moments Atta and Jarrah seem human makes the atrocities they committed that much more difficult to understand.
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