Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Rove Predicts Victory in November

The Architect feels good about November.

The Washington Times:

White House political strategist Karl Rove yesterday confidently predicted that the Republican Party would hold the House and the Senate in next month's elections, dismissing fallout from the sex scandal involving former Rep. Mark Foley.

At a luncheon with editors and reporters at The Washington Times, Mr. Rove -- who is widely credited as the architect of the party's historic 2002 midterm election gains -- said Republicans are beginning to make significant headway in defining their party's differences from congressional Democrats, especially on national security.

"I'm confident we're going to keep the Senate; I'm confident we're going to keep the House. The Foley matter has impact in some limited districts, but the research we have shows that people are differentiating between a vote for their congressman and a member from Florida," Mr. Rove said, referring to the Republican who resigned last month after his sexually explicit online messages to former congressional pages were discovered.

President Bush has begun to paint this year's election as a choice between strength and weakness on national security -- and the stark differences will show Americans the true nature of Democrats, Mr. Rove said.

"It is useful to remind people what [Democrats] said and what they do. I think they have given us here, especially in the last couple of weeks, a potent set of votes to talk about. You had 90 percent of House Democrats voting against the terrorist-surveillance program, nearly three-quarters of Senate Democrats and 80 percent of House Democrats voting against the terrorist-interrogation act. Something is fundamentally flawed."

I'm glad that finally a prominent Republican is speaking positively about the party's chances to retain power in the House and Senate.

It's about time that someone dismisses the doom and gloom scenario that so many conservatives have passively accepted.

The "We're gonna lose" message that Republicans have been putting out is counterproductive to say the least.

I see it as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Less than three weeks out from the election, party leaders should not be throwing in the towel, especially since defeat is so far from a foregone conclusion.

The Dems and the lib media have done all they could to demoralize Republican voters.

They have pounded away at President Bush. They have lied and smeared and created "scandals" that were completely unsubstantiated. The Dems have been strictly negative.

What the Dems haven't done is offer Americans a plan, a vision, a better alternative. It's all attack, attack, attack.

I believe that Republicans can keep control. It can happen if Republican supporters get out and vote. It's not rocket science.

I can't imagine sitting out the election because I'm not completely satisfied with the performance of Republicans.

Although Republicans may be bad, Dems would be disastrous.

In this post-9/11 world, I think it would be irresponsible to allow the Dems to take the country down the path of appeasement. Think about what that would mean.

Personally, I don't want higher taxes. I want the economy to keep chugging along.

Foremost, I want the country to keep moving forward, and not be bogged down in acts of political gamesmanship and vengeance that the Dems have promised to engage in if elected.

I think Rove's prediction can become reality. Just vote.

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