David Kirkpatrick actually analyzes who is to blame for the Republicans' defeat.
I have a suggestion.
This is really getting ridiculous.
From The New York Times:
Tax-cutters are calling evangelicals bullies. Christian conservatives say Republicans in Congress have let them down. Hawks say President Bush is bungling the war in Iraq. And many conservatives blame Representative Mark Foley’s sexual messages to teenage pages.
With polls showing Republican control of Congress in jeopardy, conservative leaders are pointing fingers at one other in an increasingly testy circle of blame for potential Republican losses this fall.
“It is one of those rare defeats that will have many fathers,” said David Keene, chairman of the American Conservative Union, expressing the gloomy view of many conservatives about the outcome on Election Day. “And they will all be somebody else.”
What is that?
What defeat?
Is it the night of November 7?
Is it the wee small hours of the morning of November 8?
The election hasn't occurred.
THERE IS NO DEFEAT to be talking about. It's October 20!
Kirkpatrick briefly tempers his lame article with a tiny spoonful of reality, noting, "Whether the election will bear out their pessimism remains to be seen, and the factors that contribute to an electoral defeat are often complex and even contradictory."
Then, it's right back to putting the cart before the horse.
Kirkpatrick's article provides a litany of finger-pointing conservatives.
He cites the viewpoints and predictions of a number of elected officials and pundits.
Why did conservative voters fail to turn out?
How did the Republicans alienate so many of their supporteres that they were so decisively defeated by Dems on November 7?
There's a problem with those questions. They're not based in reality.
So how is the Republicans' defeat news?
It's all conjecture.
Shouldn't the American people go to the polls before The New York Times declares victory for the Dems?
As for the conservatives predicting the Dems' trouncing of Republicans, I think they are fools.
Their defeatism is a horrible message to send to voters.
It's premature to concede the election at this point.
What's going on here?
These conservatives are more eager to say, "I told you we were going to lose," and be right, than to fight and make the case to keep the dangerously incompetent Dems out of power.
Frankly, the doom and gloom conservative crowd, the ones so concerned about the accuracy of their predictions, aren't too bright.
They are playing right into the hands of the Left and possibly handing over power to the liberals on a silver platter.
They are serving to invite the defeat for Republicans that The New York Times has already declared.
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