What do Democrats plan to do about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
What's their plan?
We don't know.
We should know, shouldn't we?
I think it's important, especially since the Dems have been declared victorious. It's a given that Nancy Pelosi will be the Speaker of the House, and Barack Obama is poised to run the country.
The Dems are so confident that the lib media probably already have their graphics of a Blue U.S. map ready to go for their election night coverage.
Some spineless conservatives have all but conceded defeat.
But what about Mahmoud?
He's rambling again.
From the Islamic Republic News Agency:
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad here Monday said that over the past decades the potentials of the Iranian nation have increased ten folds, unlike those of Iran's ill-wishers which have shrunk by one tenth.
...Turning to the opposition of adversaries to development and progress of the nation, the chief executive underlined that Iranians will not allow their rights to be violated, even slightly.
"The enemies intend to prevent our progress by their unfair plots.
However, they should be aware that today the nation is seeking its full right to access nuclear energy and will not give up under any condition," he added.
The president underlined that Iran's policy is based on dialogue as well as promotion of peace and tranquility.
"Our nuclear activities have been within the frameworks of laws and regulations and we intend to continue complying with the relevant laws.
"The current problems and disasters facing man are mainly rooted in the disregard of some bullying powers for law, justice, spirituality and the limit of their own rights. They even go beyond their legal rights and seek hegemony over the world nations," he added.
Ahmadinejad noted that the bullying powers dismiss any move towards independence and by infiltrating into pivotal international decision making centers and seeking authority beyond their legal rights intend to impose hegemony over the world nations.
The president pointed to the ups and downs the Iranian nation has been through and said that it is now on the threshold of achieving its goal.
"The Iranians have been through a major part of such an effort through close cooperation and is determined to take the final step to materialize its nuclear goal," he added.
Addressing the country's ill-wishers and adversaries, he said, "Friendly approach towards a powerful and civilized country like Iran is in your own interest. You have misbehaved with Iranians over the past 27 years to no avail."
He called on the enemies to stop such misconduct, recognize officially the rights of other nations, encouraging them to solve any problem through talks.
The president referred to empathy as the mystery of the nation's victory and expressed confidence that the Iranians will firmly continue their resistance to materialize the set goal.
Iran is defying the United Nations.
Ahmadinejad is thumbing his nose at the world.
VIENNA, Austria -- Iran is expanding its uranium enrichment program even as the U.N. Security Council focuses on possible sanctions for its defiance of a demand to give up the activity and ease fears it seeks nuclear weapons, diplomats said Monday.
The diplomats, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to divulge the information to media, told The Associated Press that within the past few weeks Iranian nuclear experts had started up a second pilot enrichment facility.
While the 164 centrifuges were not producing enriched uranium, even the decision to "dry test" them showed Iran's defiance of the Security Council. The council had set an Aug. 31 deadline for Tehran to cease all experiments linked to enrichment, which can produce the fissile material for nuclear warheads.
Madame Speaker Pelosi, now what?
President Obama, now what?
Does the "historic Pelosi" have a plan?
Does "rock star" Obama have what it takes to deal with a nuclear Iran?
Ahmadinejad is ignoring that favorite panacea of the Dems, the United Nations.
What will the Dems do?
Turn to Jimmy Carter for advice?
Will they tap the foreign policy genius of national treasure Madeleine Albright?
Maybe Mike Wallace can have another sit-down with Mahmoud.
I want to know how the Dems plan to react to Iran's steady progress toward going nuclear.
Nuclear proliferation is an important issue.
Issues? What issues?
Poison Pero notes that Mahmoud likes the Dems' plan.
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