"Why am I smiling? Because I'm evil, my middle name is misery. Well I'm evil, so don't you mess around with me!"
North Korea possibly successfully tested a nuclear weapon.
That's not a good development.
How do the Democrats react to North Korea's affront to the international community?
How else?
They blame President Bush.
The Democrats are shockingly irresponsible. They are completely preoccupied with their personal political fortunes.
They do not put our country first. They put themselves first.
They display a dangerous selfishness.
Simply put, the Dems are not fit to be entrusted with the security of the United States.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Democrats seized on North Korea's brazen act to criticize President Bush's record in confronting the communist regime, contending the administration's focus on Iraq ignored legitimate threats.
Democratic Sen. John Kerry, the president's rival in 2004 and a potential 2008 candidate, assailed Bush's policy as a "shocking failure," and said, "While we've been bogged down in Iraq where there were no weapons of mass destruction, a madman has apparently tested the ultimate weapon of mass destruction."
One month before midterm elections, North Korea's reported nuclear test provided Republicans an opportunity to shift the focus from their embarrassing — and politically explosive — congressional page scandal to national security, an issue the GOP considers its strength.
Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Senate's second-ranking Republican, accused Democrats of playing partisan politics with a nuclear weapons threat. "Listening to some Democrats, you'd think the enemy was George Bush, not Kim Jong Il," he said.
...The president long has faced complaints that he has failed to sufficiently address North Korea and the threat has festered on his watch.
What is this?
Some sort of game?
It's all political posturing with these Dems.
This is serious business and they're trying to score political points.
Senate MINORITY leader Harry Reid put out a statement that is absolutely disgraceful.
"Unfortunately, on the Bush Administration's watch, North Korea's nuclear arsenal has grown to as many as a dozen bombs. Distracted by Iraq and paralyzed by internal divisions, the Bush Administration has for several years been in a state of denial about the growing challenge of North Korea, and has too often tried to downplay the issue or change the subject. Now the White House must rally the international community and must directly speak with the North Koreans so they understand we will not continue to stand on the sidelines.
"I urge the president to immediately appoint a senior official to conduct a full review of his administration's failed North Korea policy, develop recommendations to change course, and directly communicate to the North Koreans the consequences of their actions and the administration's new course. On North Korea as in other national security policies, the Bush Administration and the Republican-controlled Congress have made America less secure. It is time for a new direction."
According to Reid, Kim Jong Il isn't the problem; George Bush is.
The man should resign. He's clueless. He should step aside. He is unfit to carry out his duties in the Senate. He is sacrificing the good country in a quest for power.
It's sickening, truly sickening.
Bush's 'Axis of Evil' Comes Back to Haunt United States
Nearly five years after President Bush introduced the concept of an "axis of evil" comprising Iraq, Iran and North Korea, the administration has reached a crisis point with each nation: North Korea has claimed it conducted its first nuclear test, Iran refuses to halt its uranium-enrichment program, and Iraq appears to be tipping into a civil war 3 1/2 years after the U.S.-led invasion.
Each problem appears to feed on the others, making the stakes higher and requiring Bush and his advisers to make difficult calculations, analysts and U.S. officials said. The deteriorating situation in Iraq has undermined U.S. diplomatic credibility and limited the administration's military options, making rogue countries increasingly confident that they can act without serious consequences. Iran, meanwhile, will be watching closely the diplomatic fallout from North Korea's apparent test as a clue to how far it might go with its own nuclear program.
This really ticks me off.
For years, The Post has actively sought to undermine the Bush administration's efforts to deal with the threats posed by Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. The Post has been a cheerleader for the Dems seeking to weaken the President.
Now, this analysis whines that "rogue countries increasingly confident that they can act without serious consequences."
These libs bitch and moan about every national security move that the Bush administration makes, and now they bitch and moan about its credibility.
They've literally done the bidding of Kim Jong Il, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Saddam Hussein, al Qaeda, and all other wannabes.
...Political strategists debated the domestic implications of the North Korean test with midterm elections four weeks away. Some Republicans predicted it would take the focus off the Mark Foley congressional page scandal and remind voters that it is a dangerous world best confronted by tough-minded leaders. Some Democrats argued it would be seen as another failure of Bush's foreign policy and moved quickly to try to pin blame on the Republicans. "Is this going to help Republicans?" asked Jim Manley, spokesman for Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.). "The answer to that is absolutely not. This is another significant foreign policy failure for the administration."
Sorry, Dems.
This spin won't work.
"Democrat" is synonymous with "foreign policy failure."
First, the Mark Foley is not the most important matter we are facing as a nation. It's a sex scandal. We know he's a creep for hitting on congressional pages. Did Foley break laws? We'll see. Let the investigation play out.
For Dems to suggest that blame for North Korea's moves can be placed soley on the shoulders of the Bush administration is as ludicrous as Bill Clinton's lies about all that he did to address the terrorist threat and try to get Osama bin Laden.
I really find it disgusting that the Dems are stumbling all over themselves to attack the Bush administration over this.
Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey said, "While George Bush bogged our military down to topple a regime that had no weapons of mass destruction, a brutal dictator in North Korea has strengthened a nuclear arsenal that has the potential to threaten the West Coast of the United States."
Where did Menendez come up with that drivel? Comments left on The Huffington Post?
My senator, Russ Feingold, has once again brought shame to the people of Wisconsin. His remarks on the North Korea nuke test are idiotic.
A potential 2008 Democratic presidential contender, Sen. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin issued a statement denouncing Bush for using the vehicle of six-nation talks involving China and Japan to try to persuade North Korea to forego its nuclear weapons ambitions.
Sunday’s nuclear test, Feingold said, showed “the weakness of the Six Party approach as well as the danger of this Administration's hands-off approach to North Korea.”
He added, “the stakes are too high to rely on others to address the North Korean crisis.”
I hate to think of what U.S. foreign policy would be like under a President Feingold.
Frankly, he is simple-minded when it comes to dealing with a madman like Kim Jong Il. He just doesn't get it.
And where do these Dems get off dropping this North Korea nuke mess in Bush's lap?
Just as with Bill Clinton's inability to deal with bin Laden, Clinton's role in a nuclear North Korea cannot be dismissed. (Bring in Chris Wallace for a rematch.)
Clinton gave North Korea nuclear technology. He talked and trusted and made disastrous decisions. Yes, Clinton did that. CLINTON.
If only Clinton had employed a hands-off approach, maybe we'd be better off today. Clinton was duped and so was his stooge Madeleine Albright.
In spite of how libs try to spin it, that is undeniable. It's fact, black and white.
The Dems should be hanging their heads in shame and begging the forgiveness of the American people and the global community for screwing up so royally, not attacking the Bush administration.
These Dems and their mouthpieces in the lib media count on the American people being uninformed. They count on Americans' willingness to blindly accept their distortions.
They assume that they can just say anything. They think they can rewrite history. They believe that they can lie with impunity.
They can't.
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