Monday, October 16, 2006

Left Nuts: John Kerry and George Soros

During a speech in New Hampshire last week, John Kerry referred to Kim Jong Il's developing nuclear arsenal as the "Bush Bomb."

Here's a treat!

John Kerry is so proud of that speech that he wants YOU to see him deliver it.

Watch the entire New Hampshire speech here.

That link was included in an October 16 e-mail message from the man himself, John Kerry.

It arrived in the mailboxes of the 3 million members of the Kerry community.

Here are some excerpts from John Kerry's message:

Dear Mary,

In the last week, I've traveled hundreds of miles, spoken to thousands of voters, campaigned for dozens of candidates. And let me tell you this: There is something big taking hold out there.

It's something that the Rove Republicans can't stop -- no matter how shameless they are, how much fear-mongering they do, or how many vicious attack ads they launch.

None of it will work. Not if we hold our ground.

...Over the next 10 days, I'm going to be alerting you to crucial ways in which you can have a powerful impact in the closing weeks of this campaign.

I will be telling you about an amazingly important project to expose the people behind tens of millions of dollars of deceptive last-minute advertising.

I'll be inviting you to jump into the action as our three-million-person community works side-by-side with Political Action on a large-scale grassroots campaign that will have volunteers calling voters.

And I will be telling you which House and Senate candidates need our last minute support as the Republicans try to use money, lies and fear-mongering to stave off defeat.

It's a typical partisan message, not unusual in the final weeks before an election.

"Shameless," "vicious," "Rove Republicans," blah, blah, blah.

What is noteworthy about the message is Kerry's vow to work "side-by-side with Political Action on a large-scale grassroots campaign." is a far Leftist radical group and Kerry is eagerly hitching his horse to the MoveOn wagon.

The guy is out of touch with most Americans. He is not mainstream. He's not moderate. He's a liberal extremist.

Although Kerry does not speak for mainstream America, he certainly does speak for what has become the mainstream of the Democratic Party.

The Dems are extreme.

Kerry is in bed with radical George Soros. Because of his wealth, Soros is able to pull the strings of the Democratic Party.

Soros bankrolls MoveOn. It's his baby.

Last week, Soros was interviewed by Charlie Rose. He was hawking his new book, The Age of Fallibility: Consequences of the War on Terror.

Here are some of the pearls of wisdom that Soros offered during the interview:

"The main source of terrorism in my opinion is occupation and humiliation."

"Abu Ghraib turned them into terrorists or insurrectionists."

"They were not terrorists when they went in there, but they were terrorists when they came out."

This is how Soros explained the fortune he spent trying to get Kerry elected in 2004:

"If we could possibly remove George Bush from the White House, the world would greatly benefit."

"People don't realize how much power and influence we have lost in so short a time."

"It could have been avoided with a different leadership."

"It would have made a tremendous contribution to mankind."

In short, Soros is a Leftist nut, a very wealthy nut.

He draws parallels between President Bush and Hitler.

"The Bush administration and the Nazi and Communist regimes all engaged in the politics of fear ... Indeed the Bush administration has been able to improve on the techniques used by the Nazi and Communist propaganda machines by drawing on the innovations of the advertising and marketing industries."

Kerry has no qualms about being very public in regard to his connection to Soros' MoveOn.

There is nothing moderate about Kerry.

Increasingly, there is nothing moderate about the Democratic Party.

Dems cannot take control of the House or Senate.

It is crucial that conservatives get out and vote to keep the extremist Dems from assuming power and blocking the President's agenda and putting our safety in the hands of the Party of Appeasement.

George Soros is not mainstream America.

John Kerry is not mainstream America.

The Democratic Party is not mainstream America.

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