Thursday, February 8, 2007

Carroll College Blacklists Pierre Cantin

An adjunct professor at Carroll College in Waukesha, Wisconsin has been told that he'll never teach there again.


He replied to a HIGH PRIORITY mass e-mail.

It must have been a HIGHLY objectionable reply, right?

No institution would blacklist a professor without good reason, right?

Let's set the scene:

Pierre Cantin taught French at Carroll College this past fall. He was done teaching there in December.

Although not currently a member of the faculty, he remained on the e-mail list.

Cantin received an e-mail announcing a Martin Luther King event on the campus, scheduled for February 7.

Pasting "high priority" on his reply, Cantin sent back this response:

Really? Give us a break. PC

(Note: "PC" are Pierre Cantin's initials. That's not a reference to "politically correct." )

Based on that e-mail, Carroll College reacted by declaring that Cantin would NEVER again teach there.

Does that seem a bit extreme?

It does to me.

This professor is not currently employed at Carroll.

Nonetheless, the college saw fit to say that Cantin will be permanently banned from teaching.

Cantin will not be allowed on the campus because he said, "Really? Give us a break."

In an off the air conversation with radio host
Charlie Sykes, Cantin claimed that he's stunned by the entire controversy. He portrayed it as a misunderstanding.

He claimed that he wasn't showing disrespect for Martin Luther King. He was simply commenting on the HIGH PRIORITY status of the e-mail.

Wouldn't you think that Carroll College would refrain from blacklisting a professor for a misunderstanding?

It appears that Carroll had no interest in listening to Cantin's explanation.

Even if Cantin did intend to dis the Martin Luther King event, it would be an incredible overreaction.

Do you think for one moment that Carroll College would have slapped Cantin with this pariah status if he had mocked an event that had a conservative slant?

That may be an inapplicable question. Does Carroll allow conservative speakers or events on campus?

What's certain is that Carroll College showed a shocking level of intolerance.

I find it especially bizarre that Carroll would fire someone not currently employed. It reveals the depth of intolerance that exists on the campus.

What a display of extremism!

It's liberalism absolutely run amok.

Is Carroll College a "NO FREE SPEECH" zone?

President Dr. Douglas N. Hastad's
statement posted on the college's website doesn't say anything about the harsh, intolerant environment on campus.

He writes:

As Wisconsin’s oldest institution of higher education, Carroll combines the best of a rich heritage with state-of-the-art technology and a vibrant academic experience.

...As thousands of our alumni have discovered, Carroll exemplifies the very best traditions of a small college with a wide-ranging curriculum grounded in the liberal arts. Creative thought and expression abound. Carroll is a place that nurtures critical thinking.

"Carroll is a place that nurtures critical thinking"?


I find that extremely hard to believe.

I don't believe it.

If this incident is any indication of what Carroll offers, it is not the place for students interested in an open exchange of ideas and theories or critical thinking.

Its professed
educational philosophy is a joke.
[O]ur mission is to help students learn to think critically and creatively, adapt to changing technologies, work efficiently and effectively, collaborate with others, and communicate clear, compelling ideas.

Yeah, right.

Only certain ideas will be tolerated.

Carroll College appears to be a close-minded, liberal indoctrination center.

Prospective students can thank Pierre Cantin for the warning.

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