Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Crime Spreads in Milwaukee

Bay View and the far south side areas of Milwaukee are seeing crime that they've never seen before.

JS Online:

A man with a gun robbed the Perkins Family Restaurant on the city's south side overnight.

The restaurant, 130 W. Layton Ave., was robbed about 10 p.m. The suspect fled with money from the cash drawer and a customer.

No one was hurt during the robbery.

That's across the street from General Mitchell International Airport, the southern edge of the city.

Crime continues to seep throughout the city like sewage from one of the Deep Tunnel's overflow dumps.

I don't get it. These stories of robberies are given a little blurb, but a description of the suspect never accompanies the report.

This appears to be SOP for The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.


Why not get the public to assist law enforcement in getting these thugs off the street?

It makes no sense to me.

If Bay View and the far south side of Milwaukee become the crime hell hole that much of the rest of the city has become, Milwaukee is dead.

Each robbery, each shooting is another nail in the city's coffin.

The stability that characterized these once safe, peaceful neighbors will be lost as long-time residents flee faster than a robbery suspect.

Crime is out of control in Milwaukee and no one is doing a damn thing about it.

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