Thursday, February 1, 2007

More Doyle Corruption

I'm shocked!

There's a report of more Doyle administration corruption.


That's so out of character.

I didn't see that coming.

Madison -- Two of Gov. Jim Doyle's appointees told a Department of Transportation attorney to delay the release of a politically damaging 2004 report - in apparent violation of the state open records law - the attorney testified Thursday.

Attorney Jim Thiel said he was told to not release the report until after he got a copy of a Department of Administration rebuttal that questioned the DOT's finding that state engineers cost 18% less than consultants. The conclusion that state employees cost less conflicted with Doyle's platform of trimming state jobs.

Thiel said the order came from Randy Romanski, a top aide to Transportation Secretary Frank Busalacchi. Employment Relations Director Karen Timberlake also described the strategy to Thiel, he said.

...Doyle spokesman Matt Canter told the Journal Sentinel on Thursday that the governor's office played no role in delaying the release of the DOT report.

Now I did see that coming.

Doyle's office played no role in the matter.

Of course not.

Doyle never knows what's going on. His hands are always clean.

Are we supposed to just not care about this never-ending stream of corruption oozing out of Madison?

Yup, it's Groundhog Day!

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